API Message Reference

CT - Call Transfer

Layer CTI
Direction From CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CT
Message Purpose This message tells the CTI layer to transfer the connected call to a specific agent.
Example CT\TDdefault\CNCustCare\AN2\AE42\TI26
Explanation CallGem is requesting that the connected call on trunk 26 be put through to the agent with identifier number 2 at extension 42, on the CustCare campaign.
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
A2 AgentTransferee string false 1 80 The transferee Agent or destination address.
User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
AE AgentExtensionIdentifier string true 1 120 Required by the telephony layer to give each agent extension a unique identifier.
AN AgentIdentifier string false 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
AS ApplicationSpecificData string false 1 4000 Application Specific parameter
BL BlindTransfer boolean false 0 0 Blind transfer. Indicates whether the transfer is unscreened i.e. the transfer occurs as a redirect. The recipient may or may not be in a position to receive the call.
C3 Conference3 boolean false 0 0 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into a 3-party conference
C4 ModifiedConference boolean false 0 0 From V10.7.74 - Modified 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into an agent conference followed by a 3-party conference
C5 ModifiedConference2 boolean false 0 0 From V10.7.74 - Modified 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into a 3-party conference with the respondent initially put on hold
CL CallingLineIdentity string false 1 80 From V10.6.255 - The CLI to be presented when this number is dialed. Any value passed here must be a valid address terminating to your equipment.
CN CampaignName string true 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
QT QueueTimeout int false 1 999999 This parameter is numeric and has a valid range of values between 30 + 600.
RI RingTimeout int false 1 600 Value range is from 12 to 600 seconds.

This parameter sets the Ring No Answer timeout for a transfer recipient. It is only set as a result of the RI parameter being set on the TR message.

SA SpoofAgent boolean false 0 0 If specified, along with an agent extension, indicates that an agent is to be spoofed for the transfer
SI SessionIdentifier string true 1 120 Session Identifier parameter
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
WD WarDial boolean false 0 0 War dial
YA AgentUniqueId string false 20 50 From V10.7.596 - The UUID reference for the agent. This can be used as an alternate form of reference for the agent in place of the AN parameter.
YL TransfereeAgentUniqueId string true 20 50 From V10.7.596 - The UUID reference for the transferee agent. This can be used as an alternate form of reference for the agent in place of the A2 parameter.
YS SessionUUID string false 20 50 From V10.7.596 - Each media session has a universally unique identifier assigned on creation. The UUID can be used by telephony layer messaging as an alternative unique form of reference to the SI parameter.


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