Layer | CTI |
Direction | From CallGem |
Type of Service | CG |
Interface ID | CT |
Message Purpose | This message tells the CTI layer to transfer the connected call to a specific agent. |
Example | CT\TDdefault\CNCustCare\AN2\AE42\TI26 |
Explanation | CallGem is requesting that the connected call on trunk 26 be put through to the agent with identifier number 2 at extension 42, on the CustCare campaign. |
Notes |
Parameters | ||||||
Code | Name | Type | Mandatory? | Min Val | Max Val | Description |
A2 | AgentTransferee | string | false | 1 | 80 |
The transferee Agent or destination address. User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; |
AE | AgentExtensionIdentifier | string | true | 1 | 120 | Required by the telephony layer to give each agent extension a unique identifier. |
AN | AgentIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 80 | User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; |
AS | ApplicationSpecificData | string | false | 1 | 4000 | Application Specific parameter |
BL | BlindTransfer | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | Blind transfer. Indicates whether the transfer is unscreened i.e. the transfer occurs as a redirect. The recipient may or may not be in a position to receive the call. |
C3 | Conference3 | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into a 3-party conference |
C4 | ModifiedConference | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | From V10.7.74 - Modified 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into an agent conference followed by a 3-party conference |
C5 | ModifiedConference2 | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | From V10.7.74 - Modified 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into a 3-party conference with the respondent initially put on hold |
CL | CallingLineIdentity | string | false | 1 | 80 | From V10.6.255 - The CLI to be presented when this number is dialed. Any value passed here must be a valid address terminating to your equipment. |
CN | CampaignName | string | true | 1 | 80 | User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; |
QT | QueueTimeout | int | false | 1 | 999999 | This parameter is numeric and has a valid range of values between 30 + 600. |
RI | RingTimeout | int | false | 1 | 600 |
Value range is from 12 to 600 seconds.
This parameter sets the Ring No Answer timeout for a transfer recipient. It is only set as a result of the RI parameter being set on the TR message. |
SA | SpoofAgent | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | If specified, along with an agent extension, indicates that an agent is to be spoofed for the transfer |
SI | SessionIdentifier | string | true | 1 | 120 | Session Identifier parameter |
TD | TenantDescriptor | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies. |
WD | WarDial | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | War dial |
YA | AgentUniqueId | string | false | 20 | 50 | From V10.7.596 - The UUID reference for the agent. This can be used as an alternate form of reference for the agent in place of the AN parameter. |
YL | TransfereeAgentUniqueId | string | true | 20 | 50 | From V10.7.596 - The UUID reference for the transferee agent. This can be used as an alternate form of reference for the agent in place of the A2 parameter. |
YS | SessionUUID | string | false | 20 | 50 | From V10.7.596 - Each media session has a universally unique identifier assigned on creation. The UUID can be used by telephony layer messaging as an alternative unique form of reference to the SI parameter. |