Layer | CTI |
Direction | From CallGem |
Type of Service | CG |
Interface ID | CT |
Message Purpose | This message is sent by Softdial CallGem if the telephony layer requests this in the Trunks Open [TO] message. |
Example | DH\TDdefault\CNCustCare\SI87654321\TN01296381200 |
Explanation | CallGem is hinting to the telephony layer to disconnect the ringing call to telephone number 0129638100 with session identifier 87654321 on the CustCare campaign. |
Notes |
Disconnect Hint [DH] message will be sent for each ringing (and not answered or failed) call at the interval
specified by the RI parameter on the
Call Initiate [CI] message. DH is intended to provide a hint for the telephony layer to disconnect a
ringing call. It is often the case that PBX and CT board manufacturers' timeout mechanisms
do not work properly or do not have the granularity to time calls out after an exact
number of seconds. Since accurate handling of RNA is critical to good dialer performance,
integrators who experience problems with RNA settings should consider using DH to
tear calls down.
Crossover effects: If using the DH protocol it may be that a call gets answered or failed at the same time that the DH message is received. If this is the case the DH message should be ignored. |
Parameters | ||||||
Code | Name | Type | Mandatory? | Min Val | Max Val | Description |
CN | CampaignName | string | true | 1 | 80 | User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; |
SI | SessionIdentifier | string | true | 1 | 120 | Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party.
Used to give each called party a unique key. If omitted, CallGem assumes this parameter to be the same as the TN parameter. Session Identifiers. |
TD | TenantDescriptor | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies. |
TN | TelephoneNumber | string | true | 0 | 80 | Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party. Session Identifiers. |
YS | SessionUUID | string | false | 20 | 50 | From V10.7.596 - Each media session has a universally unique identifier assigned on creation. The UUID can be used by telephony layer messaging as an alternative unique form of reference to the SI parameter. |