Layer | Management |
Direction | From CallGem |
Type of Service | CG |
Interface ID | MA |
Message Purpose | This message is sent by CallGem periodically to report queue and campaign metrics in response to an EnumerateMetrics [EM] message. |
Example | MZ\TDdefault\CNService\GATier1\TS40587.127634\T240587.127505\Z020\Z19\Z214\Z3374\Z4303\Z512\Z522\Z67\Z73\Z834.6\Z993.8\Y038.2\Y191.3\Y23\Y34\Y42\Y56\Y61\Y727.3\Y892.7\Y923 |
Explanation | A periodic update of queue Tier1's metrics. |
Notes |
Parameters | ||||||||||||||
Code | Name | Type | Mandatory? | Min Val | Max Val | Description | ||||||||
CN | CampaignName | string | true | 1 | 80 | User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; | ||||||||
D1 | Dialed1TimesOrMore | int | false | 0 | 2147483647 | From V10.7.71 - Default is 0.
This data will be reflected to reporting applications that have requested metrics using the Enumerate Metrics [EM] message. |
D2 | Dialed2TimesOrMore | |||||||||||||
D3 | Dialed3TimesOrMore | |||||||||||||
D4 | Dialed4TimesOrMore | |||||||||||||
D5 | Dialed5TimesOrMore | |||||||||||||
D6 | Dialed6TimesOrMore | |||||||||||||
GA | GroupAddress | string | true | 1 | 80 | The queue for which metrics are being reported. | ||||||||
IB | Inbound | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | From V10.7.71 - Indicates that the queue is inbound. Inbound and outbound queues report slightly different sets of metrics. | ||||||||
O1 | CallsBeingDialed | int | false | 0 | 2147483647 | From V10.7.71 - Default is 0.
This data will be reflected to reporting applications that have requested metrics using the Enumerate Metrics [EM] message. |
O2 | TrunksInUse | |||||||||||||
O3 | WaitingAgentCount | |||||||||||||
O4 | WaitingReservedAgentCount | |||||||||||||
O5 | LateCallsCount | |||||||||||||
O6 | ConnectedCallCount | |||||||||||||
O7 | ConnectedCallDelta | |||||||||||||
O8 | AgentMachineCount | |||||||||||||
O9 | AgentMachineDelta | |||||||||||||
R0 | TotalTimeOccupied | double | false | 1 | 50 | From V10.7.280 - Default is 0.
These parameters follow the Windows DATE format. |
R1 | TotalWaitTime | |||||||||||||
R2 | DeltaTimeOccupied | |||||||||||||
R3 | DeltaWaitTime | |||||||||||||
SQ | QueueState | int | true | 0 | 3 |
From V10.6.476 - The queue state. This has one of the following values:
T2 | LastTimeStamp | double | true | 1 | 50 | It indicates the time at which the most recent set of metrics were measured. This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. | ||||||||
TD | TenantDescriptor | string | true | 1 | 80 | This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies. | ||||||||
TS | TimeStamp | double | true | 1 | 50 | It indicates the time at which these metrics were measured. This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. | ||||||||
UC | UndialedCount | int | false | 0 | 2147483647 | From V10.7.71 - Default is 0.
This data will be reflected to reporting applications that have requested metrics using the Enumerate Metrics [EM] message. |
UD | UndialedDelta | int | false | 0 | 2147483647 | From V10.7.86 - The number of undialed calls dialed in the interval since the last MZ message was sent for this queue. | ||||||||
X0 | WrappingAgents | int | true | 0 | 2147483647 | From V10.7.748 - Number of agents in this campaign/ queue that are currently in the Wrap state. | ||||||||
X1 | IdleAgents | int | true | 0 | 2147483647 | From V10.7.748 - Number of agents in this campaign/ queue that are currently in the Unavailable/ Idle state. | ||||||||
Y0 | WindowAverageAnswerTime | double | true | Average time in seconds that calls took to be answered by an agent (of the calls that were successfully answered), within the recent period as configured with the Time Window (TW) parameter of the EM Message. | ||||||||||
Y1 | WindowPercentageCallsWithinSLA | double | true | Percentage of calls that were answered within the SLA specified time period (of the calls that were successfully answered), within the recent period as configured with the Time Window (TW) parameter of the EM message. | ||||||||||
Y2 | QueuedCountRecent | int | true | Number calls that have enetered the queue since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y3 | DequeuedCountRecent | int | true | Number calls that have left the queue and been transferred to an agent since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y4 | AbandonCountRecent | int | true | Number calls that were abandoned by the caller since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y5 | OverflowCountRecent | int | true | Number calls that overflowed to another queue since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y6 | DropCountRecent | int | true | Number calls that were dropped because the timeout was reached since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y7 | AverageAnswerTimeRecent | double | true | Average time in seconds that calls took to be answered by an agent (of the calls that were successfully answered) since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y8 | PercentageCallsWithinSLARecent | double | true | The percentage of calls that were answered within the SLA specified time period (of the calls that were successfully answered) since the last update. | ||||||||||
Y9 | CountOfSessionsInProgress | int | true | The count of sessions in progress. | ||||||||||
Z0 | QueueLength | int | true | Number of calls currently waiting in the queue. | ||||||||||
Z1 | ActiveAgents | int | true | Number of agents actively able to handle calls from the queue. | ||||||||||
Z2 | TotalAgents | int | true | Number of agents who are members of the queue, including those who cannot currently handle calls. | ||||||||||
Z3 | QueuedCount | int | true | Number calls that have enetered the queue. | ||||||||||
Z4 | DequeuedCount | int | true | Number calls that have left the queue and been transferred to an agent. | ||||||||||
Z5 | AbandonCount | int | true | Number calls that were abandoned by the caller. | ||||||||||
Z6 | OverflowCount | int | true | Number calls that overflowed to another queue. | ||||||||||
Z7 | DropCount | int | true | Number calls that were dropped because the timeout was reached. | ||||||||||
Z8 | AverageAnswerTime | double | true | Average time in seconds that calls took to be answered by an agent (of the calls that were successfully answered). | ||||||||||
Z9 | PercentageCallsWithinSLA | double | true | The percentage of calls that were answered within the SLA specified time period (of the calls that were successfully answered). |