API Message Reference

TE - Telephony Message

Layer Management
Direction From CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID MA
Message Purpose This message is returned in response to an Enumerate telephony [ET] message. A TE message will be generated for each event which has been registered in the ET message.
Example TE\TXEOSales1\CI\CNCustCare\SI00000123\TN01296381200\RI16\DO2 TE\TXEOSales1\LC\CNCustCare\TN01296381200\TI26\OD1.00TE\TXEOSales1\CD\CNCustCare\AN2\TI26\AE42
Explanation These three TE messages are returned in response to the Enumerate Telephony [ET] message example.
Notes A separate TE message will be returned for each of the telephony event parameters (CI, LC, CT, CD or ND) included in an Enumerate Telephony [ET] message.

See Enumerate Telephony [ET] message.

Last Changed Pre V9.2
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
AE AgentExtensionIdentifier string false 1 120 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
AN AgentIdentifier string false 1 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
AS ApplicationSpecificData string false 1 4000 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
CL CallingLineIdentity string false 1 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
CN CampaignName string false 1 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
DA DropAbandoned boolean false 0 0 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
DE AbandonedCallDelay int false 0 60 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
DN DialedNumber string false 0 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
DO DetectionOption int false 0 5 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
FC FollowUpCall boolean false 0 0 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
IR RawCause int false 0 999 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
OD OffhookDelay double false 0 9.99 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
PO PortIdentifier string false 1 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
QT QueueTimeout int false 30 600 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
RI RingTimeout int false 12 600 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
SI SessionIdentifier string false 1 120 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
TI TrunkIdentifier string false 1 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
TN TelephoneNumber string false 0 80 This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message.
TS TimeStamp double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. It indicates the exact time that the event was processed by CallGem.
TX TransactionIdentifier string false 1 87 Used by subsequent messages from CallGem to identify the corresponding requests. Must be unique across all requests.


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