Layer | Management |
Direction | From CallGem |
Type of Service | CG |
Interface ID | MA |
Message Purpose | This message is returned in response to an Enumerate telephony [ET] message. A TE message will be generated for each event which has been registered in the ET message. |
Example | TE\TXEOSales1\CI\CNCustCare\SI00000123\TN01296381200\RI16\DO2 TE\TXEOSales1\LC\CNCustCare\TN01296381200\TI26\OD1.00TE\TXEOSales1\CD\CNCustCare\AN2\TI26\AE42 |
Explanation | These three TE messages are returned in response to the Enumerate Telephony [ET] message example. |
Notes |
A separate TE message will be returned for each of the telephony event parameters
(CI, LC, CT, CD or ND) included in an
Enumerate Telephony [ET] message.
See Enumerate Telephony [ET] message. |
Last Changed | Pre V9.2 |
Parameters | ||||||
Code | Name | Type | Mandatory? | Min Val | Max Val | Description |
AE | AgentExtensionIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 120 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
AN | AgentIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
AS | ApplicationSpecificData | string | false | 1 | 4000 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
CL | CallingLineIdentity | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
CN | CampaignName | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
DA | DropAbandoned | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
DE | AbandonedCallDelay | int | false | 0 | 60 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
DN | DialedNumber | string | false | 0 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
DO | DetectionOption | int | false | 0 | 5 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
FC | FollowUpCall | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
IR | RawCause | int | false | 0 | 999 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
OD | OffhookDelay | double | false | 0 | 9.99 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
PO | PortIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
QT | QueueTimeout | int | false | 30 | 600 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
RI | RingTimeout | int | false | 12 | 600 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
SI | SessionIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 120 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
TD | TenantDescriptor | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
TI | TrunkIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
TN | TelephoneNumber | string | false | 0 | 80 | This parameter is returned if it is included as a parameter of the telephony event registered in the Enumerate Telephony message which generated this TE message. |
TS | TimeStamp | double | true | 1 | 50 | This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. It indicates the exact time that the event was processed by CallGem. |
TX | TransactionIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 87 | Used by subsequent messages from CallGem to identify the corresponding requests. Must be unique across all requests. |