API Message Reference

NE - Notify Event

Layer Management
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID MA
Message Purpose This message notifies CallGem of an event in another application
Example NE\TX001\FATrunk Counter\SE1\MSIC=__singlecti;TD=;TO=90;TI=36;PO=90;PI=36
Explanation CallGem is notified of the message contained in the MS parameter. The message originated from the Trunk Counter application.

The Trunk Count notifications are given by telephony layer, tenant and campaign.

To find the actual resources in use:

IC= <the Telephony Layer ID>, usually __singlecti
TD= <the Tenant ID>, if blank then total resources across all tenants are reported
The tokens for the values are as follows
TO= <number of network-facing trunk lines available>
TI= <number of network-facing trunk lines in use>
PO= <maximum number of ringing calls the telephony layer/tenant/campaign can support>
PI= <number of calls ringing (or in call progress analysis)>

Messages reported to CallGem should, where possible, be written in human readable form unless, as in the Trunk Counter example above this is not practical

Notes The NE message is used by the Alert Monitor application and can be used by any 3rd party application that is registered to receive NE messages by sending the Enumerate Notifications [EN] message.
Last Changed V9.2.0.40
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
FA Facility string true 1 80 Facility parameter
MS Message string true 0 255 Message body parameter
SE Severity int true 1 4 The Severity of the event:
4Fatal Error
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.


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