From V10.6.847 - the legacy Softdial Campaign Manager™ Windows client is no longer available, via install or download
A campaign may be stopped and restarted with no loss of data or risk of redialing numbers already dialed.
In the case of a campaign configured with a database mode in which switch results are recorded, restarting a stopped campaign will start the campaign from where it left off in the contact database. (To start a campaign again from scratch, it will be necessary to reset tables and statistics to clear the results already recorded.)
A campaign may only be stopped if it is in a running, suspended or pre-processing state.
To stop a campaign:
A campaign may not be able to stop immediately if some agents are on calls or some numbers are in the process of being dialed. In this case, the campaign will enter a state of stopping.
Give the campaign time to stop. The campaign will stop when the last agent has completed their call. At this point the campaign state becomes stopped.