
Signalling Issues

This section contains various telephony terms. If you are unsure about anything, please contact your local Sytel representative for advice.

The choice of signalling system used to communicate with the PSTN can either help or hinder the performance of Softdial CallGem™. Typically, the shorter the amount of time taken to classify a call as live, failed (busy, not in service etc) or Ring No Answer, the better a campaign's predictive performance will be. This is true regardless of how the pacing engine works.

This topic deals with signalling issues at a high level. For advice on country-specific signalling systems, please contact your local Sytel representative.

Most countries have adopted the T1 or E1 channelised voice data standard, T1 being 24 channels of 8-bit data sampled 8K times per second, E1 being 32 channels of the same.

Signalling line status and call activity on these channels is achieved through the use of a signalling protocol. Signalling protocols generally take two forms:

As a rule one should always use a CCS based protocol. CAS protocols are far slower than CCS and less reliable. For reasons of ease of support and reliability we recommend using Q.931 for network-facing trunks. In Europe this is commonly known as Euro-ISDN or ETS300. In the US the two variants are AT&T and NI2.


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