There are some significant changes in terminology in V10.7 which may be confusing to users of previous versions of Softdial Contact Center™.
Prior to V10.7, a user of Softdial Contact Center™ was a single user i.e. they could only have one media session ongoing at any instant. A Softdial Contact Center™ agent therefore represented a single user.
A key feature of V10.7 is support for multi-session media which means that each user may have one or more simultaneous sessions in progress. These sessions can be chat, email, voice or any combination of media types. Therefore, each user will be represented by multiple Softdial Contact Center™ agents (Fig. 1).
The number of agents representing each user will depend on the number of simultaneous sessions the user is configured to handle.
To mitigate the potential for confusion between users and agents in V10.7 documentation, we will generally refer to agents as endpoints.
See also:
V10.7 introduces the concept of groups . A group is an unordered collection of endpoints (agents) and other groups. Groups have no functionality in themselves other than a collection and aggregation mechanism. Aggregation provides a mechanism for expanding all groups into collections of endpoints, and for managing changes to groups and group members.
For example,
The aggregation mechanism calculates that (when expanded) Group A contains endpoints E1, E2, E3 and E4.
If we changed the membership of Group B, the aggregation mechanism would calculate:
The group feature is a basic building block for the ACD. It enables configuration control such as the supervisor deciding that all members of a particular group need to be moved to a particular campaign to do some work, and that being translated into specific actions within the ACD.
In V10.7, the feature previously known as the Namespace is now referred to as the Softdial Repository™. This is a container for the various Softdial Contact Center™ entities such as users, endpoints, campaigns, queues etc.
The Softdial Repository™ user interface provides a way of configuring and managing these elements e.g. assigning queues to campaigns, endpoints to users, endpoints to queues etc.