The Groups tab shows a list of all groups configured for the current tenant.
Clicking on the + symbol to the left of the group name expands the group to reveal its members.
When New or Edit are clicked, the group properties dialogue is shown (Fig. 2)
Group properties are organised into the following areas:
On Edit, displays the current group name
On New, type a group name.
In the Groups list, this is displayed in the Name column.
It is not possible to have an endpoint address - Agent Extension (AE) - and a Group Address (GA) with the same value.
Type a short description to aid identification in the Groups list (displayed in the Desc column).
This area displays 2 lists:
Note that a member can be either an endpoint or another group. See Groups and Queues. In the list, a member's type is indicated to the left of its name.
To add a member to the group:
To remove a member from the group:
Search to narrow results... - Typing here reduces the list of Available members to only those whose name contains the typed string. The list is reduced immediately as you type.
Save - adds the new group, or applies the changes made when editing a group.
Cancel - aborts creation of a new group, or discards any changes made when editing a group.