Layer | Agent |
Direction | From CallGem |
Type of Service | CG |
Interface ID | AG |
Message Purpose | The CTI layer has advised that a connect has been established and CallGem is asking the agent application to 'screen pop' details for the specified agent. |
Example | AC\TDTenant1\CNCustCare\AN2\YA{...}\TN01992783287\ASEx100\YS{...} |
Explanation | CallGem is asking that the telephone number 01992783287 be connected to the agent with the identifier 2, on the CustCare campaign. |
Notes |
This message is sent to the agent layer both at the time of offering (when the
agent phone starts to ring) and at the time of connection. see
Line Connected [LC].
The application specific data of "Ex100" is information, particular to this telephone number, that was tagged to it in the Make Call [MC] message. When this happens, CallGem will always tag it again to the number in this message. Unless the call is a preview one, this message is also a signal to the host to immediately 'screen pop' the agent's screen with details of the called party. |
Parameters | ||||||
Code | Name | Type | Mandatory? | Min Val | Max Val | Description |
AG | AgentAlternativeIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 80 | Can be sent for any agent, including in those in preview mode. Value usually the same as AN. |
AN | AgentIdentifier | string | true | 1 | 80 | User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; |
AR | AbandonRetry | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | This parameter indicates this number was abandoned by CallGem in an earlier call. |
AS | ApplicationSpecificData | string | false | 1 | 4000 | Application Specific parameter |
BA | RingBackAgent | string | false | 1 | 80 | The agent identifier of the agent that will be talking to the customer. |
BL | Blind | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | The BL parameter indicates that the transfer is blind rather than screened. |
BT | RingBackTimer | string | false | 1 | 50 | This parameter follows the OLEDateTime format. |
C3 | Conference3 | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | Set to connect to 3 party conference. |
C4 | ModifiedConference | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | From V10.7.74 - Modified 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into an agent conference followed by a 3-party conference |
C5 | ModifiedConference2 | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | From V10.7.74 - Modified 3 Party conference flag. Setting this parameter turns the transfer into a 3-party conference with the respondent initially put on hold |
CB | Callback | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | From V10.6.164 - Indicates that the call is a callback |
CN | CampaignName | string | true | 1 | 80 | User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ; |
DN | DialedNumber | string | false | 0 | 80 | DNIS information for the inbound call. This information will be as presented by the network. |
DT | Data |
false | 1 | 128000 | Use this parameter to pass data to the agent application on connect to an agent. Use only if specified in the Make Call [MC] message. |
FC | FollowUpCall | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | CallGem allows agent-directed ad-hoc calls to be placed when an agent is in
one of the following states:
GA | GroupAddress | string | false | 1 | 80 | From 10.7.1401 - Group address parameter |
GN | GroupRing | boolean | false | 0 | 0 |
From V10.6.670
IB | Inbound | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | The IB parameter indicates that the call is inbound. |
IO | InboundOffering | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | The IO parameter indicates that either an inbound or a transfer/conference call is offering (it has not been answered yet by an on-hook agent). |
MA | Machine | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | Optional parameter, used to indicate that the connected call is an answer machine (according to the AMD). Answer machines should only be passed through as connects if the call is launched with Detection Option 4. |
MD | MediaData | string | false | 1 | 128000 | From 10.7.324 - Used to build up conversation history for a session |
SI | SessionIdentifier | string | false | 1 | 120 | Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party. See
Session Identifiers. Used to give each called party a unique key. If omitted, CallGem assumes this parameter to be the same as the TN parameter. See Session Identifiers. |
TC | TransactionComplete | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | The current call is a dialer ACD call and requires a TC to complete the call. |
TD | TenantDescriptor | string | false | 1 | 80 | This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies. |
TN | TelephoneNumber | string | false | 0 | 80 | Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party. See Session Identifiers. |
TR | Transfer | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | The TR parameter indicates that the call is a transfer or a conference. |
VA | VirtualAgent | boolean | false | 0 | 0 | This parameter indicates that the agent is a virtual agent. |
YA | AgentUniqueId | string | false | 1 | 80 | Provides an internally generated unique session id for the agent identified in the AN parameter. |
YO | DisplayName | string | false | 1 | 1024 | From V10.7.657 - The name and other pertinent information related to the customer to be displayed on the agent desktop. |
YS | SessionUniqueId | string | false | 1 | 80 | Provides an internally generated unique session id for the call session identified in the SI parameter. |