API Message Reference

MG - Modify Group

Layer Campaign
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CA
Message Purpose The host application is asking CallGem to modify a Group
Example MG\TDtenant1\CNCustCare\GA200\RN16\VN30\OA300\QS0\G1CallRecordMessage\G2QueueBusyMessage\G3HoldMusic\G4WaitMessage
Explanation The host application is requesting that a Group with address 200 on tenant1 be updated.
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
BF BlendFairness int false 0 1 From V10.6.325 - Allows blended agents to rotate into an inbound campaign. Values can be 0 (no fairness algorithm - default) or 1 (Last offer - the agent who has been waiting the longest for an inbound offer in a specific queue may be moved from an outbound campaign to handle an inbound call.) See Inbound ACD.
BP BlendPriority int false 0 1 The priority given to blend requests against this queue. 0 follows normal removal from queue. 1 allows agents to be removed from predictive queues without regard for pacing.
CN CampaignName string 1 80 Mandatory if the call is predictive.
DW MaximumWrapData string false 1 128000 From V10.7.1206 - The data (DT) string to use when an agent exceeds the maximum wrapup time as set by the MaximumWrapTime (MW) parameter. If set, will override wrap data configured for the owning campaign.
ES ErrorThreshold int false 0 99999 The timeout for sending a warning notification through a Notification Event (NE) message and through the Group Data (GZ) API. A Value of 0 indicates no threshold.
FN ForceConnect boolean false 0 0 From 10.6.362 - Force Connect. If the session enters this queue, ensure the the customer call is answered
G1 GreetingQueueEntry string false 1 1024 Queue entry greeting (e.g. 'This call is being recorded')
G2 GreetingBusyQueueEntry string false 1 1024 Queue Busy on Entry Greeting. Greeting played when call cannot be dequeued immediately on entry to the queue.
G3 GreetingHoldMusic string false 1 80 Hold Music. This should be a suitable source of music that can loop.
G4 GreetingTimed string false 1 1024 Obligatory 'Your call is important to us' timed greeting.
GA GroupAddress string true 1 80 Group address parameter
II ReminderInterval int false 0 99999 The frequency at which the reminder is played (in seconds). A Value of 0 seconds indicates do not play reminder greeting.
KQ KeepQueued boolean false 0 0 From V10.6.422 - Calls will remain in the queue for the overflow time duration even if there are no agents active on the queue.
ML MemberList string false 1 128000 From V10.7.1429 - A comma-separated list of group member names. Group members may be endpoints or may be other groups. This parameter provides an alternative to the real-time addition and deletion of members using the Group Membership [GM] message.
MT MediaType string false 0 80 Media type parameter. If not specified this defaults to the default media type for the CTI layer.
MW MaximumWrapTime int false -1 99999 From V10.7.1206 - This sets the maximum time (in seconds) an agent can spend in the wrapup state after handling a call. If not set, and maximum wrap time is configured for the owning campaign, max wrap will default to the campaign configuration. A value of -1 indicates 'use default'
OA OverflowAddress string false 1 80 Overflow address parameter. This may be a station or queue address.
OB OverflowGroupBusy boolean false 0 0 Overflow on Group Busy. If there is no immediate prospect of dequeueing the call to an agent, overflow immediately.
OO OutOfServiceOverflowAddress string false 1 80 Out-Of-Service Overflow address parameter. The address to which this queue overflows when out of service.
QP QueuePriority int false 0 999999 The relative priority of the queue. requests to dequeue for a particular campaign are processed on a priority basis, where the queue with the highest priority gets first chance to dequeue calls to agents.
QS QueueSelection int false 0 3 The selection mechanism used by the Queue.
0Round Robin.
2Longest Wait
3Ring Group

Q2 takes priority over QS if both are specified.

Q2 QueueSelectionScript string false 1 1024 From V10.7.944 - The name of the Python script (minus the .py extension) to use for agent selection when dequeueing calls. Takes priority over QS if both are specified.
RH ReportHeader string false 0 80 The descriptive name of the queue. This will appear in reports.
RN RingNoAnswerTimeout int true 5 99999 The number of seconds offer time before a call offered to an agent is dropped.
RX RouteExternal boolean false 0 0 Allow an external application to select route to agent.
SX SLATime int false 5 99999 The service target time to answer, in seconds. A value between 5 and 99999 seconds is permitted.
SY SLAPercent int false 10 99 The target percentage answered within the given time in the SX parameter.
TD TenantDescriptor string 1 80 Mandatory when operating in Multi-Tenancy. Otherwise it must not be used.

This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies. Typically contains a company name.

TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
VN OverflowNoAnswer int true 5 99999 The number of seconds before the call expires from the queue. Value range is from 5 to 999 seconds.
WO MaximumWrapOutcome int false -1 255 From V10.7.1206 - The wrap outcome (WO) value to use when an agent exceeds the maximum wrapup time as set by the MaximumWrapTime (MW) parameter. If set, will override a maximum wrap time configured for the owning campaign. A value of -1 indicates 'use default'
WS WarningThreshold int false 0 99999 The timeout for sending a warning notification through a Notification Event (NE) message and through the Group Data (GZ) API. A Value of 0 indicates no threshold.
XT ExternalRouteTimeout int false 5 99999 The amount of time (in seconds) that the external application is given to make a decision on routing.


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