Multi-tenancy allows a landlord to offer secure partitioning of campaigns and all supporting applications - Softdial CallGem™, Softdial Telephony Gateway™,Softdial Reporter™, Recording and Agent - together with any other campaign or tenant specific resources such that a single Softdial Contact Center™ installation may be shared by multiple call center customers, or tenants(Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 - Multi-tenancy in Softdial Contact Center™
The end user tenant experience is as if they were running their own dedicated contact center platform.
This capability offers customers the opportunity to extend their business into the ASP/ hosting arena.
A tenant comes into life through a tenant commissioning message Commission Tenant [C1] being sent to Softdial CallGem™, and goes out of existence as a result of a decommissioning message Decommission Tenant [D1] being sent. A tenant is associated with the services of one particular telephony layer (identified by the Identify CTI (IC) parameter).
If the telephony layer identified in the commissioning message ( __singlecti by default) does not exist, the tenant will fail to commission.
If the telephony layer associated with the tenant goes through existence failure, the tenant will not be decommissioned immediately. Agents will remain logged in and calls in progress will continue (if the telephony system has not disconnected them), but no new calls will be launched until the telephony layer has re-connected.
In the case of
The following sequence of events takes place to bring the tenant's facilities to a state of being usable:
The System campaign is strictly optional. It does not have to be part of a tenant, even the default tenant.
Softdial Repository™ is a configuration database. It stores information used by Softdial CallGem™ during the process of commissioning a tenant, opening a campaign etc. but is just a config database, i.e. passive. Because a tenant configuration appears in Repository, it does not mean that tenant is active, just that it has been configured at some time.
Tenants are 'commissioned' and 'decommissioned' using the Commission Tenant [C1] and Decommission Tenant [D1] API messages respectively. The Provision Tenant [A1] message is sent prior to commissioning to set up the tenant
The commissioning process involves creating a System campaign and running static and turret configurations for each tenant.
New management messages, Enumerate Tenants [E1], Tenant State [S1] and TenantData [Z1] query and report on tenant state. A new tenant-specific Close All [CL] message closes all campaigns running on the specified tenant.
For more details, see Multiple Tenant Issues. Also check the latest API Updates for information about recent API changes.