API Message Reference

SD - Status Data

Layer Campaign Manager
Direction From CallGem
Type of Service CM
Interface ID DE
Message Purpose Status Data
Example CM:DE:SD\TDTenant1\DT<xml data .../>
Explanation Campaign manager is delivering campaign status data for a specific campaign to a subscriber. The status data is sent for each campaign in response to Enumerate Status [ES], and then updates are sent periodically for those campaigns whose status has changed.

The client application should parse the XML and store the information for cross-reference purposes; particularly important is the fact that the data contains a cross-reference between campaign names and campaign IDs. The CM interface relies on IDs as the unique form of reference for a campaign.

The xml data in the DT parameter is returned in the following format:

<Campaign ID="1" Name="Campaign1" State="0" Type="6" Cache="0" LinkMaster="" IsLocked="false" LockTag="" LockTime="" Agents="0" CallsMade="4166" ListRemaining="0" ListTotal="0" RunoutEstimate="0"/>

See also SDMP Message Protocol

Introduced 10.6.847 & 10.7.826
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
CY CampaignIdentifier int false 0 9999 Campaign Identifier parameter. The internal identifier for the campaign. If a subscriber is keeping a cache of campaign status it should use the campaign identifier as the key to a dictionary for storing status data
DT Data struct false 1 128000 The DT parameter contains XML describing the status of the campaign in question
TD TenantDescriptor string true 1 80 Mandatory when operating in Multi-Tenancy. Otherwise it must not be used.

This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies. Typically contains a company name.


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