API Message Reference

DN - Delay Notification

Layer CTI
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CT
Message Purpose This message notifies CallGem that there has been a holdup by the CTI layer in passing a number to the switch for dialing.
Example DN\CNCustCare\TN01992783287
Explanation Following a holdup by the telephony layer, the switch has just been asked to dial the number 01992783287 on the CustCare campaign.

A holdup occurs when the telephony layer, for whatever reason, doesn't immediately action a Call Initiate [CI] message sent by CallGem. We advise integrators to implement and use this message if there is any possibility of this occurring with any degree of frequency. See especially Trunk Management

CallGem will issue an error message if a Delay Notification [DN] message comes after the call outcome notification (e.g. Call Failed [CF]) with which it is associated.

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
CN CampaignName string false 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
DR DelayReason int false 0 2 The reason for the delay. The delay may be reported a number of times for different reasons throughout normal call setup. Valid values are:
0Call queued, not yet signaled
1Call is proceeding
2Call is alerting.
SI SessionIdentifier string false 1 120 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party.

Used to give each called party a unique key. If omitted, CallGem assumes this parameter to be the same as the TN parameter. Session Identifiers.

TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
TN TelephoneNumber string false 0 80 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party. Session Identifiers.
YS SessionUUID string false 20 50 From V10.7.596 - Each media session has a universally unique identifier assigned on creation. The UUID can be used by telephony layer messaging as an alternative unique form of reference to the SI parameter.


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