API Message Reference

CF - Call Failed

Layer CTI
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CT
Message Purpose This message gives CallGem the cause of a failed call.
Example CF\TDdefault\CNCustCare\TN019927832872\CA2
Explanation The telephony layer is telling CallGem that the switch has failed to make a connection on the telephone number 019927832872 for the CustCare campaign, the cause code indicating a no answer.
Notes Integrators may edit and add to the outcome codes passed in the Cause (CA) parameter in Softdial RepositoryDialing Cycle Outcomes. See also Dialing Cycle Outcomes
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
CA Cause int true 0 999 This code indicates the reason a call failed.
2No Answer
5Answering machine
6Call failure. e.g. on account of network load, phone offhook, dead line
7Abandoned call (This cause code is only valid for switch determined routing)
8Call interrupted by telephony layer (e.g. switch)
20Telephone number unobtainable
21Telephone number out of order
22Telephone number changed
23Incoming calls barred
24Call rejected - e.g. non standard device such as videophone, would not accept call
25Not in use - e.g. number has been disconnected
26Fast busy - e.g. unable to access the number through its local exchange because of network congestion
27Hi and dry - no information about why call did not get through, in the US especially associated with the absence of SIT tones.
31 Called party hang-up (available only when usingSwitch-Determined Routing): the call has been connected, but the called party has hung up during the interval allowed before CallGem must abandon the call. This interval is specified in the Abandoned Call Delay (DE) parameter of the Overdial Tuning [OT] and Call Initiate [CI] messages.
32Agent specified for agent specific call back is not logged in
CN CampaignName string false 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
IR RawCause int false 0 999 The raw clearing cause associated with the call. Note the cause codes are dependent on the inderlying transport. ISDN causes will range from 0 to 127. SIP causes will range from 100 to 699.
SI SessionIdentifier string false 1 120 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party.

Used to give each called party a unique key. If omitted, CallGem assumes this parameter to be the same as the TN parameter. Session Identifiers.

TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
TN TelephoneNumber string false 0 80 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party. Session Identifiers.
YS SessionUUID string false 20 50 From V10.7.596 - Each media session has a universally unique identifier assigned on creation. The UUID can be used by telephony layer messaging as an alternative unique form of reference to the SI parameter.


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