API Message Reference

TA - Transfer Acknowledge

Layer CTI
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CT
Message Purpose When this message is sent from the telephony layer to CallGem, it acknowledges a request for transfer and gives information about the state of the transfer to the originator.
Example TA\CNCustCare\AN24\A2Fred\SI9962\RS0
Explanation The transfer of the call with the session identidier of 9962, from agent with identifier 24 to the second agent (Fred) on the CustCare campaign has been successful.
Notes Related Links:

Transfer Acknowledge [TA] - CallGem to Agent
Transfer Acknowledge [TA] - Agent to CallGem

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
A2 SecondAgent string false 1 80 The agent from whom the message was sent.
AN AgentIdentifier string false 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
CN CampaignName string true 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
RS ResourceStatus int true 0 4 The parameter may have the value 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.
0Transfer connected.
1Transfer disconnected: eg transferrer / transferee hangs up.
2The telephony layer did not establish an inquiry call to the transferee and that CallGem will not send a message to disconnect the transferee call.
3Transfer request was successful
SI SessionIdentifier string true 1 120 This is typically a unique key from the database, i.e. customer account number. Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
TN TelephoneNumber string false 0 80 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party
YA AgentUniqueId string false 20 50 From V10.7.596 - The UUID reference for the agent. This can be used as an alternate form of reference for the agent in place of the AN parameter.
YL TransfereeAgentUniqueId string true 20 50 From V10.7.596 - The UUID reference for the transferee agent. This can be used as an alternate form of reference for the agent in place of the A2 parameter.
YS SessionUUID string false 20 50 From V10.7.596 - Each media session has a universally unique identifier assigned on creation. The UUID can be used by telephony layer messaging as an alternative unique form of reference to the SI parameter.


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