API Message Reference

EQ - Enumerate Queue

Layer Management
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID MA
Message Purpose Enumerate Queue [EQ] can be used to register for information on call activity on an Inbound queue or set of Inbound queues.
Example EQ\TDdefault\TXABC001
Explanation The control application is requesting (with transaction identifier ABC001) a list of all groups.

On sending of this message, there may be a large number of Queue Data [QZ] messages sent in order to give the management application a full overview of the current group activity.

For an overview of the query process, see Resource Enumeration API

From V10.6.263 there is a change to Enumeration behaviour when using the PersistToken (PS) parameter - see Resource Enumeration API.

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
CN CampaignName string false 1 80 If specified, will only advise activity on queues associated with a given campaign.
CS RateControl string false 1 1000000 From V10.6.660 - The number of event messages per second that the subscriber can handle during rollforward after re-subscribing. Defaults to 100 (per PersistToken). See Resource Enumeration API.
GA GroupAddress string false 1 80 If specified, will only advise activity on a specific queue.
PS PersistToken string false 1 80 Persist token. This tells CallGem to persist this transaction even if the socket connection from the originator fails. The transaction will buffer events in anticipation of reconnect and re-issue of the transaction.
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
TX TransactionIdentifier string true 1 87 Used by subsequent messages from CallGem to identify the corresponding request. Must be unique across all requests.


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