From V10.6.847 - the legacy Softdial Campaign Manager™ Windows client is no longer available, via install or download.
The server notification panel contains all feedback reported by the Softdial Campaign Manager™ server.
Fig. 1 - Server Notifications - Web client
The columns are explained as follows:
Heading | Meaning |
Time | The date and time of the message, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Level | The type of message in question - Notification, Error, database messages passed back from Softdial CallGem™, the database or the Softdial Campaign Manager™ server itself. |
Message | The campaign name and the message details. If you experience problems running your campaign, this is the place to look for information as to what the cause of the problem might be. |
This panel includes notifications from the server itself, and also error messages passed on from the Softdial CallGem™ and from the database. The notifications are presented in date/ time order, and specify the type of message and the campaign to which the message is relevant. If the message is general, the campaign is listed as N/A. This information should be your first port of call if you experience problems with running a campaign.
Taking Fig. 1 above as an example, these messages are of Notification type (informational only), pertaining to a campaign Sample1.
For a complete list of all Softdial CallGem™ error messages that may appear in this panel, please see the Error Code Lookup.