Softdial Campaign Manager

Data Selection (Filters)

The Data Selection (Filters) page/ Filters tab allows the user to specify the types of contacts which are suitable to be called during the campaign (Fig. 1).

Data Selection (Filters) - Web client

Fig. 1 - Data Selection (Filters) - Web Client

Filters are simply SQL SELECT statements of the form:

SELECT * FROM <campaign table> WHERE <filter>

There are two ways of specifying filters:

  1. Structured - allowing the user to construct simple filters using dropdowns to select the campaign fields. Their use is described below.
  2. Free Form - allowing the user to enter their own WHERE clause in SQL form for more flexible and precise data selection. Their use is described in Free Form Filters.

For both structured and free form filters, the filter behaviour selected will also be applied to the record selection for retries and reschedules (callbacks). This may mean that some existing retries and reschedules that fall outside the new filter criteria will be missed.

It is important to remember that the more complex the data selection, the slower database access will become when the campaign is running. This is particularly pertinent to free form filtering as this is capable of performing more complex data selection.

If using filters to share a list (table) with multiple campaigns, see Managing Filters > 'Limit retries by filter criteria' below.


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