Softdial Campaign Manager

Pre-Processing a Campaign

From V10.6.847 - the legacy Softdial Campaign ManagerWindows client is no longer available, via install or download.

Some campaign configurations need to be prepared for running, and so should be pre-processed before they are started.

Campaigns that have the following require pre-processing:

  1. at least one Do Not Call list selected - see Do Not Call (DNC) Pre-Processing for further details.
  2. Time Zone Management enabled, and at least one Time Zone Management Input Parameter configured - see Time Zone Pre-Processing for further details.

A campaign can be pre-processed only if

Pre-processing can be time-consuming and, depending upon the power of your server and your database, can last a few hours. In general, it is prudent to run pre-processing operations overnight if possible.

See also:

Do Not Call (DNC) Pre-Processing

Time Zone Pre-Processing


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