Available within Softdial Reporter™ 5 for both Static and Real Time reports, each record contains values aggregated over a 5 minute period for how the agent (endpoint) spent their time, and what were the resulting outcomes (dispositions).
Data items for the Agents category are listed below. Each data item has both a long and a short Item Label (as listed below), used within the widgets as column headers and data labels. For unlocked widgets, which label to use can be specified in the widget settings dialogue via the Display Tab.
Expand the following groupings to view the data items:
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Breather Duration - Avg | Brth ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent on a 'breather'. | float |
Breather Duration - Sum | Brth + | The total duration the endpoint has spent on 'breathers'. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Completed - Count | Complete # | The number of completed sessions. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Conversion - Avg | Conversion ~ | The average conversion amount for the endpoint on sessions. | float |
Conversion - Current | Conversion | The conversion amount for this endpoint on the latest session. | int |
Conversion - Max | Conversion > | The maximum conversion amount for the endpoint on any session. | int |
Conversion - Min | Conversion < | The minimum conversion amount for the endpoint on any session. | int |
Conversion - Sum | Conversion + | The total conversion amount for the endpoint on sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Current Campaign | Campgn | The name of the campaign the agent is currently logged into. | string |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Endpoint | Endpt | The name of the endpoint. | string |
Endpoint Extension | Ag Ext | From V10.7.1245 - The endpoint extension | string |
Endpoint Status | Status | The current status of the endpoint. | string |
Endpoint Status - Duration | StatusDur | The amount of time the endpoint has spent in the current state. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Follow Up - Count | Follow # | The number of times the endpoint has been interacting on a 'followUp' session. | int |
Follow Up Duration - Avg | Follow ~ | The average duration spent by endpoints interacting on a 'followUp' session. | float |
Follow Up Duration - Max | Follow > | The longest duration spent by the endpoint interacting on a 'followUp' session. | float |
Follow Up Duration - Sum | Follow + | The total duration spent by endpoints interacting on 'followUp' sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Free Reason State | Free State | From V10.7.1239 - A user defined code representing the reason why the endpoint went 'Unavailable'. | string |
Free Reason Description | Free Desc | From V10.7.1239 - A short text explanation for the accompanying Free Reason. | string |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
In Progress - Count | In Prog # | The number of times the endpoint has been interacting on a session. | int |
In Progress Duration - Avg | In Prog ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent interacting on a session. | float |
In Progress Duration - Max | In Prog > | The longest duration the endpoint has spent interacting on a session. | float |
In Progress Duration - Min | In Prog < | The shortest duration the endpoint has spent interacting on a session. | float |
In Progress Duration - Sum | In Prog + | The total duration the endpoint has spent interacting on sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Interval | Interval | From timestamp to timestamp duration for this endpoint event (in ISO 8601 format). | string |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Live - total | glCotcmLive # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | int |
Live Time - Avg | glCotcmLive ~ | The average duration of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
Live Time - Max | glCotcmLive > | The longest duration of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
Live Time - Min | glCotcmLive < | The shortest duration of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
Live Time - Sum | glCotcmLive + | The sum of the durations of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Logged On Duration - Sum | Log On + | The total duration the endpoint has been logged on. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Monitoring Duration - Max | Monitor > | The longest duration the endpoint has spent Monitoring a session. | float |
Monitoring Duration - Min | Monitor < | The shortest duration the endpoint has spent Monitoring a session. | float |
Monitoring Duration - Avg | Monitor ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent Monitoring a session. | float |
Monitoring Duration - Sum | Monitor + | The total duration the endpoint has spent Monitoring sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Non Live Time - Sum | gcoNls + | The sum of the durations of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveSwitch. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Non Live Agent - Sum | gcoNlag + | The sum of the durations of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
Non Live Agent - total | gcoNlag # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | int |
Non Live Agent time - Avg | gcoNlag ~ | The average duration of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
Non Live Agent time - Max | gcoNlag > | The longest duration of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
Non Live Agent time - Min | gcoNlag < | The shortest duration of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Non Live Switch - total | gcoNls # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveSwitch. | int |
Non Live Switch time - Avg | gcoNls ~ | The average duration of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveSwitch. | float |
Non Live Switch time - Max | gcoNls > | The longest duration of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveSwitch. | float |
Non Live Switch time - Min | gcoNls < | The shortest duration of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveSwitch. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Offering Duration - Avg | Offer ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent with a session being offered. | float |
Offering Duration - Sum | Offer + | The total duration the endpoint has spent with sessions being offered. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
On Hold - Count | Hold # | The number of times the endpoint has placed an active session on hold. | int |
On Hold Duration - Avg | Hold ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent with an active session on hold. | float |
On Hold Duration - Max | Hold > | The longest duration the endpoint has spent with an active session on hold. | float |
On Hold Duration - Sum | Hold + | The total duration the endpoint has spent with active sessions on hold. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Originating Queue | OrigQueue | The queue the current call was obtained from. | string |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Phone Number | Tel No | The telephone number. | string |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Preview Duration - Avg | Prev ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent previewing a session. | float |
Preview Duration - Max | Prev > | The longest duration the endpoint has spent previewing a session. | float |
Preview Duration - Min | Prev < | The shortest duration the endpoint has spent previewing a session. | float |
Preview Duration - Sum | Prev + | The total duration the endpoint has spent previewing sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Session | Session | The current session ID. | string |
Session - Total | Session # | From V10.7.1417 - The total number of sessions for the agent. | int |
Session - Max | Session > | From V10.7.1417 - The longest session duration for the agent. | float |
Session - Min | Session < | From V10.7.1417 - The shortest session duration for the agent. | float |
Session - Avg | Session ~ | From V10.7.1417 - The average session duration for the agent. | float |
Session - Sum | Session + | From V10.7.1417 - The total duration the agent was active on sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Success Rate - Avg | SuccessRate ~ | The average success rate for the endpoint on sessions. | float |
Success Rate - Current | SuccessRate | The success rate for the endpoint on the latest session. | int |
Success Rate - Max | SuccessRate > | The maximum success rate for the endpoint on any session. | int |
Success Rate - Min | SuccessRate < | The minimum success rate for the endpoint on any session. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
TalkTime - Avg | talkTime ~ | The average talk time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive or generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTime - Max | talkTime > | The longest talk time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive or generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTime - Min | talkTime < | The shortest talk time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive or generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTime - Sum | talkTime + | The sum of the talk time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive or generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTime - total | talkTime # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive or generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
TalkTimeLive - Avg | talkTimeL ~ | The average talk time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
TalkTimeLive - Max | talkTimeL > | The longest talk time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
TalkTimeLive - Min | talkTimeL < | The shortest talk time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
TalkTimeLive - Sum | talkTimeL + | The sum of the talk time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
TalkTimeLive - total | talkTimeL # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
TalkTimeNonLive - Avg | talkTimeNL ~ | The average talk time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTimeNonLive - Max | talkTimeNL > | The longest talk time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTimeNonLive - Min | talkTimeNL < | The shortest talk time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTimeNonLive - Sum | talkTimeNL + | The sum of the talk time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
TalkTimeNonLive - total | talkTimeNL # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Timestamp | Timestamp | The timestamp for this endpoint event (in ISO 8601 format). (The TS parameter from the AZ message.) | date |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Transferred Internal Count | Transfer Internal # | The total number of calls transferred to internal destinations. | int |
Transferred External Count | Transfer External # | The total number of calls transferred to external destinations. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Time Unavailable - Count | Unavail # | The number of times the endpoint has been in 'idle' state. | int |
Time Unavailable - Avg | Unavail ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent in 'idle' state. | float |
Time Unavailable - Max | Unavail > | The longest duration the endpoint has spent in 'idle' state. | float |
Time Unavailable - Sum | Unavail + | The total duration the endpoint has spent in 'idle' state. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
User | User | The name of the user. | string |
User Description | User Desc | A description of the user. | string |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Waiting Duration - Avg | Wait ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent waiting for a session. | float |
Waiting Duration - Sum | Wait + | The total duration the endpoint has spent waiting for sessions. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Waiting For Specific Call - Count | WaitSpec # | The number of times the endpoint has been waiting for a specific call. | int |
Waiting For Specific Call Duration - Avg | WaitSpec ~ | The average duration the endpoint has spent waiting for a specific call. | float |
Waiting For Specific Call Duration - Max | WaitSpec > | The longest duration the endpoint has spent waiting for a specific call. | float |
Waiting For Specific Call Duration - Min | WaitSpec < | The shortest duration the endpoint has spent waiting for a specific call. | float |
Waiting For Specific Call Duration - Sum | WaitSpec + | The total duration the endpoint has spent waiting for specific calls. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
Wrapping Duration - Avg | Wrap ~ | The average duration the endpoint spent wrapping. | float |
Wrapping Duration - Max | Wrap > | The longest duration the endpoint spent wrapping. | float |
Wrapping Duration - Min | Wrap < | The shortest duration the endpoint spent wrapping. | float |
Wrapping Duration - Sum | Wrap + | The total duration the endpoint spent wrapping. | float |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
WrapTimeLive - Avg | wrapTimeL ~ | The average wrap time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
WrapTimeLive - Max | wrapTimeL > | The longest wrap time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
WrapTimeLive - Min | wrapTimeL < | The shortest wrap time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
WrapTimeLive - Sum | wrapTimeL + | The sum of the wrap time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | float |
WrapTimeLive - total | wrapTimeL # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesLive. | int |
Item Label - Long | Item Label - Short | Description | Type |
WrapTimeNonLive - Avg | wrapTimeNL ~ | The average wrap time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
WrapTimeNonLive - Max | wrapTimeNL > | The longest wrap time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
WrapTimeNonLive - Min | wrapTimeNL < | The shortest wrap time of any session which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
WrapTimeNonLive - Sum | wrapTimeNL + | The sum of the wrap time of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | float |
WrapTimeNonLive - total | wrapTimeNL # | The total number of sessions which ended with outcome generalCategoryOutcomesNonLiveAgent. | int |