Tenant Resource Configuration


From 10.7.1219 - the Scheduler tab provides a mechanism for automating particular actions at particular times for each day of the week.

Scheduler - Agents tabScheduler - Services tab

Fig. 1 - Scheduler - Agents/ Services tabs

Each row displays one configured schedule. The columns (different for each type of schedule) correspond to fields set in the Schedule configuration dialogue.

Each day column ( M, Tu, W, etc) for each row has a scheduled times icon. This can be either:

Schedules are configured for particular resources. Down the left of the window are tabs which show schedules for these resources. The following are available:

At this release, only the above schedules are available. In time, this will replace the Softdial Scheduler service entirely.

Actions available in the Scheduler tab are:

When creating or editing a schedule, the Schedule configuration dialogue is displayed, showing the configuration options for a schedule.


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