The server-side component that drives web-based scripts is known as Scripter Engine. It provides a wide range of script functionality for both IVR and live agent, including
In order to run a new script from the server, it must first be published to the Scripter Engine. See the Softdial Scripter™ Tutorial - 5) Publishing the Project
When you create a project, your project files are located in:
..\ My Documents\Scripter Designer Projects\<your project>
When you publish, your script is copied from the Project folder to:
C:\<root>\Scripter2\Scripter Engine\[tenant]\Scripts
where C is the installation root drive on the server where the Scripter Engine is installed (as set in the configuration menu).
From V10.5.42 - it is now possible to specify the Agent Type (Live or Virtual) and Queue identifier when Publishing a script. This information is stored in the Scripter configuration file and is used to validate the agent during logon to the campaign.
From V10.6.240 - a list of published projects is displayed when publishing your script to assist you in selecting a unique name for your new project (Fig. 1).
IVR scripts must be connected with a Virtual Agent. Virtual agents will have a virtual extension (which does not need to be present in your PABX/ PBX).