API Message Reference

OT - Overdial Tuning

Layer Campaign
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CA
Message Purpose This message sets the values of parameters for use by the overdial algorithm.
Example OT\CNCustCare\AT2.0\ET3\RI15
Explanation The abandoned call target for the campaign will be set at 2%, and the estimated right party talk figure at the start of a campaign is three minutes. Defaults will be applied for both the abandoned call delay and the measurement of abandoned calls, and the ring timeout will be set at 15 seconds.
Notes This message can be sent multiple times, and at any time during a shift. All values for the parameters in it are reset each time the message is sent.

The Overdial Tuning (OT) message is now permitted to be sent for preview and progressive campaigns. Parameters governing overdial are ignored for non-overdial campaigns. The OT message has two new optional parameters P1 (Preview Timeout) and P2 (Breather timeout), their purpose is described above. These parameters are also replicated on the Make Call [MC] message.

Important Note - Dialer Compliance

Several different standards have emerged regarding dialing rules. On installation, users can select the standard of compliance for the territory into which they are dialing.
See Dialing Rules for details of these standards.

When legislation appears for other states/ territories, these will of course take precedence where they set lower limits than those in the table in the Dialing Rules topic.
Contact us for details of how compliance will then be achieved.

Arrangements will be made for users/integrators who for exceptional reasons are not able to work with this compliance.

Sytel has published several articles in the call center trade magazines looking in depth at the US DMA guidelines.

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
AM AbandonCallMeasurement int false 1 2 No value required; if present 1 or 2 only permissible. Only one measure now supported, that of 'live calls'. See also Important Note below.

See Abandoned Calls for details.

AT AbandonCallTarget double false 0.5 5.00001 If this parameter is present, it must have a value in the range 0.5 - 5%, specified in the form x.y. Examples are 1.0, 3.45, 4.931.
For dialing locales subject to nuisance call regulations the upper range of the Abandon Target must be set to the limits prescribed by law.

If this parameter is not present, then the default target is 1. If this parameter is set to 0% the campaign will not overdial.

CL CallingLineIdentity string false 1 80 The CLI to be presented by default when a number is dialed on this campaign. Any value passed here must be a valid address terminating to your equipment.
CN CampaignName string 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
D2 AbandonedCallDelay2 int false 0 60 From V10.6.415 - If set, and allowed by your locale, this parameter sets the time interval after expiry of the DE parameter time where the call may be handled by an agent, even though the call is accounted for as an abandon.
DE AbandonedCallDelay int false 0 60 This parameter sets the time interval before CallGem hangs up on a called party (i.e. abandons a call) when no agent is available to take the call. Allowable values are set in the license dongle. See Important Note below for more information.

The default value if this parameter is not present is 0 seconds.

See also the Offhook Delay (OD) parameter in the Line Connected [LC] message.

DO DetectionOption int false 0 5 This parameter gives the telephony layer a guide to the type of call progress dectection to be used for the call.
0Use native signaling system
1Use native signaling system and inband call progress tone (SIT, ring, busy, fast busy) detection.
2Use live speaker detection or AMD to classify the call as well as inband and native signalling.
3Use live speaker detection or AMD to classify the call as well as inband and native signalling and play message defined by the MM parameter to Answering Machines
4Use live speaker detection or AMD to classify the call as well as inband and native signalling and connect the call if it is an answering machine. This option should only be used with outbound IVR campaigns.
5List Cleaning - drop the call as soon as either inband our out-of-band signaling is recieved.

Note: This message is a hint to the telephony layer. It is not mandatory for the telephony layer to support the various levels of call progress detection indicated.

DW MaximumWrapData string false 1 128000 The data (DT) string to use when an agent exceeds the maximum wrapup time as set by the MaximumWrapTime (MW) parameter.
ET EstimatedTalkTime int false 1 20 Value is expressed in minutes, with an acceptable range of 1 to 20. If this parameter is not present, the default is 5 minutes. See Algorithm Adjustment for details of use.
M2 AbandonMessage2 string true 1 80 From V10.6.415 - The symbolic name of the wav file to be played if a call is waiting for transfer to agent after the abandon delay. This parameter is only used where local regulations permit, and is used only in conjunction with the D2 parameter.
MM MachineMessage string false 1 80 Defines the message to play. Used with DO3 (see above). Validated using the name space lookup.
MW MaximumWrapTime int false -1 99999 This sets the maximum time (in seconds) an agent can spend in the wrapup state after handling a call. The default value is 0 an that also implies an unlimited time. See also the WrapOutcome (WO) parameter which works together with this. A value of -1 indicates 'use default'
NA NumberVirtualAgents int false 1 32768 Number of Virtual Agents parameter
P1 PreviewTimeout int false 0 999 Indicates a number of seconds that a previewing agent can stay previewing without being forced to launch the call. The agent can cancel this timer by sending the Begin Dial [BD] message at any time. The default value of 0 means there is no time limit.
P2 BreatherTimeout int false 0 999 Indicates a number of seconds that a preview agent gets as 'breathing space' before being presented the next preview call. The agent can cancel this timer by sending the Preview Now [PN] message. While the agent is in this state, the agent will be reported as in 'waiting' state in state viewer. The default value of 0 means the agent will spend no time in this state.
P3 PreviewOnHook boolean false 0 0 From V10.6.347 - The P3 parameter indicates that the Campaign should run in on-hook mode by default, only tying up agent stations when needed for a call.
PM AbandonMessage string false 1 80 Gets validated using the name space lookup.
RI RingTimeout int false 12 600 Value range is from 15 to 22 seconds for predictive voice, up to 60 seconds for other voice campaign types and up to 600 seconds for other media types.

See Ring Timeout Management for detailed comments.

SF SkillsFailureCode int false 0 999 This code is the call failure cause code to be used if outbound skills-based routing. Setting a negative number value means the default call abandon classification will be used.
SN SymbolicName string true 1 80 The symbolic name of the wav file to be played when a call is abandoned
SP Speech string false 1 4000 From V10.6.162 - This parameter is alphanumeric. The SP parameter contains the text to be played to the customer through the TTS engine
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
TL TargetLimit boolean false 0 0 The TL parameter forces CallGem to treat the abandon target as an abandon limit. In legislatures such as the UK the dialer abandon rate is treated as a limit instead of a targeted average. Setting the TL parameter interprets the target as a limit.
WD WarDial boolean false 0 0 War dial
WO MaximumWrapOutcome int false -1 255 The wrap outcome (WO) value to use when an agent exceeds the maximum wrapup time as set by the MaximumWrapTime (MW) parameter. A value of -1 indicates 'use default'
WP WardialPredictive boolean false 0 0 Wardial Predictive
XE Postfix string false 1 80 From V10.6.229 - A postfix that will be appended to any dialled numbers/addresses for this campaign.
XS Prefix string false 1 80 From V10.6.229 - A prefix that will be prepended to any dialled numbers/addresses for this campaign.


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