API Message Reference

AZ - Agent Data

Layer Management
Direction From CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID MA
Message Purpose This message is sent by CallGem in response to an Enumerate Agents [EA] request.
Example AZ\TXABC001\TDdefault\CNCustCare\YC{...}\AN1\YA{...}\AD1\AE1\ZA0\TS40576.633692\W040576.633692\W10.0\DS1\OS0\Z340576.633692\Z40.000000
Explanation CallGem is informing the control application, in response to request ABC001, that agent with identifier number 1 (AN1) on the CustCare campaign is not currently logged in (ZA0).

This message was sent in response to an Enumerate Agents [EA] request with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter value of 2.

Notes CallGem sends an Agent Data [AZ] message for each agent included in the Enumerate Agents [EA] request. Each time an agent changes state, it will send this message with the updated state, and will continue to do so until an Enumerate End [EE] message is received.

For on overview of the query process, see Resilience Measures.

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
AD AgentDescription string true 1 80 Typically a name. Must be unique across all open campaigns.
AE AgentExtensionIdentifier string true 1 120 Required by the telephony layer to give each agent extension a unique identifier.
AN AgentIdentifier string true 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
CN CampaignName string true 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
DM DialingMethod int true 0 102 From V10.6.504& V10.7.74 - If this parameter is not present, the default is 0. Note these values are not the same as the Campaign Type values used by Campaign Manager - See Campaign Properties XML
1Redundant, reverts to 0
2Manual Outbound (From V10.6.341)
4Preview (Open Progressive)
7Inbound On Hook (From V10.6.341)
DS DetailState int true 0 99 The DS parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a LevelOfDetail (LD) parameter value of 2 or 3.
0Not logged in
1Awaiting station tie-up, when logging in to an off-hook campaign
2Logged in, able to receive transfers and make first-party dial but not ready (not yet available to the ACD)
3Waiting for a call in the ACD (either inbound or outbound)
4Previewing an outbound preview call
5Breather for an outbound preview call
6Talking on any type of call
7In wrap, having ended the voice part of an ACD call and handling after call work
8Making a follow-up call to an ACD call that has ended, or making a first-party dial
9Processing call transfer (either ringing a transfer party or in conference)
10Being offered an inbound call. Agents will only be in this state if they are on-hook
11Monitoring another agent
12Waiting reserved for a call in the ACD, where the ACD has reserved the agent for a specific call
13In a call with a customer, with the customer placed on hold
DT Data struct false 1 128000 Data associated with the call.

The DT parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter value of 3.

FD FreeReasonDescription string false 1 80 The Free Reason Description is a short text explanation for the accompanying Free Reason. The Free Reason and Free Description parameters are optional. They are also independent: either, both or neither may be provided. However as numeric values are simpler to report on it is envisaged that the Description will act as an assistant field to the Reason. The FD value may be optionally included in the Agent Unavailable [AU] message.
FR FreeReason int false 0 999999 The Free Reason is a user defined numeric code value representing the reason an agent went unavailable. For a description of the Free Reason, a Free Reason Description (FD) parameter is available. The FR value may be optionally included in the Agent Unavailable [AU] message.
GA GroupAddress string false 1 80 The queue associated with the agents call. Only applies to inbound.
NU NailedUp boolean false 0 0 From V10.7.74 - If present, indicates that the agent will be nailed-up.
OS OldState int true 0 99 As for DS parameter.
SM StreamedMedia boolean false 0 0 From V10.7.772 - If present, indicates that the endpoint's current campaign supports streamed media.
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TI TrunkIdentifier stringfalse   1 80 From V10.7.74 - The ID of the trunk used for this call transaction.
TN TelephoneNumber string true 0 80 From V10.7.74 - The telephone number associated with the call transaction.
TS TimeStamp double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. When sent in the AZ message it indicates the exact time that the event was processed by CallGem.
TX TransactionIdentifier string true 1 87 Used by CallGem to identify to which request this message is responding. Must be unique across all requests.
UR UnavailableReason int true 1 11 From V10.7.413 - This parameter gives the reason why the agent is going unavailable:
0Regular unavailable request by agent (or application managing the agent).
1Unavailable request by agent priority 1.
2Emergency unavailable request from agent.
3Made unavailable due to campaign suspend.
4Made unavailable due to campaign stop.
5Made unavailable because of automated call blend agent movement between campaigns.
6Made unavailable because of manual (supervisor driven) agent movement between campaigns.
7Made unavailable because of agent kill (also applies to socket disconnect).
8Made unavailable because campaign is closing and agent is being chained to another campaign.
9Made unavailable because of agent kill Priority 1 (Kill agent following completion of call).
10Made unavailable because of agent kill priority 0 (Kill agent but observe availability negotiation).
11Made unavailable because of scheduled callback.
VA VirtualAgent boolean false 0 0 From V10.7.413 - If present, indicates that the agent is a virtual agent.
W0 AgentLoginTime double true 1 50 The timestamp of the Agent Login [AL] message or the latest campaign Move Agent [MA] message. This parameter follows the Windows DATE format. When sent in the AZ message it indicates the exact time that the event was processed by CallGem.
W1 AgentAvailTime double true 1 50 The timestamp of last time the agent went Available ( Agent Available [AA] message).

This parameter follows the Windows DATE format. When sent in the AZ message it indicates the exact time that the event was processed by CallGem.

W2 AgentFirstLoginTime double true 1 50 The timestamp of the Agent Login [AL] message

This parameter follows the Windows DATE format. When sent in the AZ message it indicates the exact time that the event was processed by CallGem.

YA AgentUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the agent identified in the AN parameter.
YC CampaignUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the campaign identified in the CN parameter.
Z0 TimeStamp0 double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. If the Agent is Logged In and Unavailable Z0 contains the timestamp for the Agent Login, otherwise it contains the timestamp for the Agent going Available.

The Z0 parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter of 3.

Z1 TimeStamp1 double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. If the Agent is Logged In and Unavailable Z1 contains the current timestamp.

The Z1 parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter value of 3.

Z2 TimeStamp2 double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. Z2 contains the time difference between Z0 and Z1.

The Z2 parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter value of 3.

Z3 TimeStamp3 double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. Z3 contains the timestamp of the last agent state change.

The Z3 parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter value of 2 or 3.

Z4 TimeStamp4 double true 1 50 This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format. Z4 contains the time since the last state change.

The Z4 parameter is only presented in the AZ message when the Enumerate Agents [EA] message is sent with a Level Of Detail (LD) parameter value of 2 or 3.

ZA AgentState int true 0 2 Reports Agent State code where:
0Not logged in, or awaiting station tie-up
1All other states
2Logged in but not ACD available


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