The Database Output tab/ page allows the user to configure which data is output to the database after a call is made, and where that data should go (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 - Database Output - Web Client
The following is recommended standard procedure:
Modify the remaining column specifications only if the default settings are not right in your circumstances. The parameter options are described below.
Parameter | Description | Value |
Switch Results Column | Switch results of an attempted call | Derived from the Number Back [NB] message - Reason (RE) parameter |
Agent Result Column | Agent specified outcome of a call | Derived from the Number Back [NB] message - Agent Outcome (AO) parameter |
Transaction Timestamp Column | Timestamp of the results | Internally generated by Softdial Campaign Manager™ |
Retry Count Column | Number of times a contact has been retried | Internally generated by Softdial Campaign Manager™ |
Retry Agent ID Column | User name of the agent who should take the retry (i.e. agent specific callback) | Derived from the Number Back [NB] message - Ringback Agent (BA) parameter |
Retry Timestamp Column | Timestamp denoting the time at which the retry should be attempted | Derived from the Number Back [NB] message - Ringback Timer (BT) parameter |
Multi Number Retry Column | Index denoting the next number in a multi-number record that should be attempted | Internally generated by Softdial Campaign Manager™ |
Callback Number Column | Number to be used for the callback | Derived from the Number Back [NB] message - Ringback Number (BN) parameter |
Complete Timestamp Column | Timestamp at which the record was completed i.e. will not be attempted again | Internally generated by Softdial Campaign Manager™ |
Last Key Processed | Windows Client only - this is for informational use only | The database key of the last contact which was processed by Softdial Campaign Manager™ |
Whether the parameters are defined automatically, or user input from the keyboard, moving away from this page will result in a validation of the parameters which have been entered. If the columns specified
Retries controlled by Softdial Campaign Manager™ depend upon all of the settings on this page except for:
Do Not Call (DNC) Pre-Processing in Softdial Campaign Manager™ depends upon: