The General Settings tab/ page (Fig. 1) contains the most fundamental settings of the campaign.
Fig. 1 - General Settings - Web client - (L to R)
The configuration areas on this tab/ page are explained below:
For details, see Creating a Campaign
Select the dialing method you intend to use for this campaign here. Valid types are:
For description and configuration details of these dialing methods, please see Dialing Methods.
For a practical demonstration of the differences between these methods, please see Oceanic®, the outbound planning tool.
Two formats are available for the application data included in the Data (DT) parameter:
The format of this XML document is described in XML Framing. XML data should be selected if the application data is likely to include characters that are considered invalid in standard SDMP messages - see Invalid Characters in Configuration Issues.
Enable via the checkbox.
From V10.6.223 - callbacks can now be enabled or disabled independently of retries.
This feature provides options for setting Preview Timeout and Breather Timeout values to be used with Preview campaigns.
These settings are used to provide the values for several parameters of the Overdial Tuning [OT] message, as detailed below.
The Preview Timeout indicates a number of seconds that a previewing agent can stay previewing without being forced to launch the call. The Preview Timeout is defined in the Preview Timeout (P1) parameter of the Overdial Tuning [OT] message. The agent can cancel this timer by sending the Begin Dial [BD] message at any time. The default value of 0 means there is no time limit.
The Breather Timeout Indicates a number of seconds that a preview agent gets as 'breathing space' before being presented the next preview call. The Breather Timeout is set in the Breather Timeout (P2) parameter of the Overdial Tuning [OT] message. The agent can cancel this timer by sending the Preview Now [PN] message. While the agent is in this state, the agent will be reported as in state viewer as waiting. The default value of 0 means the agent will spend no time in this state.
From V10.6.387 - if the On-Hook Preview checkbox is checked, preview calls will be passed to the agent's extension even if the extension is not nailed up, and the Preview On Hook (P3) parameter will be present in the Overdial Tuning [OT] message.
The End of list behaviour options control what happens after each number in the database has been attempted at least once.
The available options are:
This is the default option.
From V10.6.387 -
From V10.6.387 -
For details of the API supporting agent / campaign chaining see Campaign Chaining.
From V10.6.387 -
Further guidance on retry acceleration:
An abandon made after the start of acceleration may be handled differently to abandons during regular dialing. This happens because when running in accelerated mode, an absolute limit is set on the number of retries made, not from the start of acceleration but from the start of the campaign.
The logic behind this is as follows: Once retries are accelerated, numbers are retried at a far higher frequency than during the main campaign run. This leads to a considerable drop in the connect rate. Once a number has been dialed unsuccessfully a number of times, the chances of getting a connect diminish to close to zero, especially if the call time is not scheduling intelligently.
On an aggressive campaign, the overall retry limit may be set for example at 10-15 attempts, as Right Time to Call (RTTC) will maximise the chances of a contact. However, when data has run out and retries are accelerated, the value of RTTC is lost, i.e. calls disposed with some kind of respondent not present outcome previously are overwhelmingly likely to dispose in the same way again. Hence, the recommendation is to set an overall retry limit during accelerate to, say, 6 attempts, as anything beyond this would generate connect rates of 2% or less.
This leads directly to the outlier behaviour where an abandon made after start of accelerate is handled differently to abandons during regular dialing.
For more background on retries, see Retry Rules.
Using very small lists of just a few records may inhibit retry acceleration, for the following reasons.
Softdial Campaign Manager™ is optimised for bulk database operations and, to achieve best performance, record selection behaviour in the Softdial Campaign Manager™ database is based on periodic timers. Retries may take up to 2 minutes to load, so if there are only a few retries available when the fresh records are exhausted, these will deplete very quickly. In the case where, at the start of the campaign, there are less records available than is required to maintain the Softdial Campaign Manager™ cache, there will be no retries to accelerate (as no calls have failed yet) and the campaign will enter a stopping state. As a result, any retries generated after this point will not be processed.
For example, if the list comprises 20 records and 5 agents are logged in, Softdial CallGem™ will request 15 records to process (3 records per agent). As there are 5 agents available, Softdial CallGem™ will immediately process the first 5 records and request another 5. This means the Softdial Campaign Manager™ cache runs out as soon as the campaign starts, triggering end of list processing and campaign shutdown.