From V10.6.769 - Alongside the internal routing of calls to tenants or agents, CallGem can be configured to pass the decision-making process for inbound calls to an external service using SDMP. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 - External routing sequence
The process for enabling external routing is as follows.
The message may include
For DNC screening,
Any other enumeration messages required for information-gathering should also be sent at this time.
(depending on which of the two lists has a surplus at the time).
(depending on which of the two lists has a surplus at the time).
This request will timeout
If the request times out or returns an invalid selection, or connection between Softdial CallGem™ and the external service is lost, Softdial CallGem™ will route the call according to its own internal logic.
If the request times out or returns an invalid selection, or connection between CallGem and the external service is lost, CallGem will route the call according to its own internal logic.
Any external routing application that performs call screening for outbound must cache the data required to make decisions in memory and deliver an immediate response. Having the application perform a database lookup will be too slow.
To put this into context, a predictive dialer campaign with 200 agents making short duration calls may generate 35 call screening requests every second. Performing database-based screening is not an option.
Softdial Contact Center™ (SCC) offers an Afiniti Bridge, to enable the routing decisions to be made by the Afiniti call routing system
The route request sent from Softdial CallGem™ to the Bridge is similar to Afiniti’s own requests - one agent is described alongside a list of potential calls, or one call is described alongside a list of potential agents. Some initial information in the request is supplemented by Softdial CallGem™’s enumeration functions (agent/ session data, etc.), which is then converted to the appropriate format and supplied to the Afiniti server as a RouteRequest. Upon receipt of a RouteSelect message from Afiniti, the bridge then decodes the pairing(s) and sends the selection responses to Softdial CallGem™ (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 - External Routing via Afiniti
If for whatever reason Softdial CallGem™ loses connection to the Bridge service (networking errors, or the service crashing/ shutting down) it will continue to use its own built-in dequeue code; when the bridge is restarted and/or the connection issues are fixed the bridge should reconnect automatically and resume operation.
If the bridge should lose connection to the Afiniti server, it will still listen for requests but be unable to get a response; the timeout for routing requests will be reached and Softdial CallGem™ will default to its own method. As before, once Afiniti reconnects to the bridge normal operation should resume automatically.