The Dialing Tuning parameters govern the performance of the Softdial CallGem™ when running a Predictive campaign:
Fig. 1 - Dialing Tuning - Web client
The configuration areas on this tab/ page are explained below:
It is not normally recommended that these parameters be changed as Softdial CallGem™ self-regulates in order to achieve optimum performance. These parameters are exposed in order that customers may be able to force compliance with local legislation should this be required.
The Ring Timeout setting is limited by the MaxRNATime registry setting (see Registry Settings) which is set to 22 secs by default. Setting this value to a higher value than the MaxRNATime setting will not be effective, even though the setting appears to be accepted in the UI. For further explanation of the concepts involved here and insight into what these factors actually mean to dialing performance, please see Algorithm Adjustment.
When the customer end of the call is hung up, the agent enters a period of wrap time. See The Outbound Calling Cycle.
In order to impose a limit on how long agents are allowed to spend in wrap, these settings allow a call to be disposed automatically from CallGem when the Max wrap time threshold is reached.
The following settings are available:
Max wrap time is set for a call on entry to the queue. Changes to queue configuration will not apply retrospectively to calls already in queue.
Any data collected during the call by the agent (using Scripter, for example) will be discarded, and only data entered here will be included.
The format for a Max Wrap Data entry is as follows:
<MagicXMLDocument xmlns=""><r><c i="0" n="AutoWrap" m="true" d="True" /></r></MagicXMLDocument>
See XML Framing
For an inbound campaign, this will only update the campaign database if the call has been bound to a record in the database, for example via the Scripter CLI Record Lookup step.
(See also Skills Based Routing (Outbound) )
Outbound skills-based routing is achieved by making agents with a particular skill members of a queue created for that skill. An agent with multiple skills may be a member of more than one queue and queues may be set to overflow to other queues or to fail with a predefined abandon outcome.
A queue address may be defined
Calls that fail to be connected may be set to abandon by entering a non-zero value in the LFO abandon outcome field (LFO = Last Failure Outcome).