For outbound campaigns, where numbers are automatically dialed or presented to agents for dialing, the following pattern is normally followed:
In Predictive and Progressive modes, the agents have either just completed a call, or have just joined a campaign by use of the Agent Available [AA] message.
The pattern for the Call Initiate [CI] message depends on the dialing mode:
There is no fixed link between any agent and any specific numbers being dialed. The availability of agents will normally lead to new dialing instructions being issued by Softdial CallGem™, using the Call Initiate [CI] message. Then as soon as Softdial CallGem™ receives a Line Connected [LC] message in response, indicating a connect, it responds instantaneously with 2 messages:
Softdial CallGem™ selects the agent who has been waiting the longest, and issues a Begin Preview [BP] message for him to the agent application, effectively asking it to screen pop details for the number contained in the message to that agent. At the same time, Softdial CallGem™ sends a Call Initiate [CI] message to the telephony layer asking for the number to be dialed immediately.
See the Preview topic for a full description of the Preview call cycle process.
When the called party and the agent have finished talking, if the agent goes into wrap, the agent application sends a Start Wrap [SW] message to Softdial CallGem™ immediately.
If there is no wrap, or at the end of it as the case may be, the agent application sends a Transaction Complete [TC] message immediately, and the agent is then available to take another call.
If the agent application wants the agent to go Unavailable, then it must issue an Agent Unavailable [AU] message request for that agent. See Changing Agent Status for how Softdial CallGem™ makes agents unavailable.
If a call does not result in a connect to an agent, then Softdial CallGem™ will receive a Call Failed [CF] message from the telephony layer, for that telephone number.