The Options window contains a range of global dialing and administrative settings. (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1 - Softdial Control Center Options window
The Options window is divided into three distinct sections:
These options determine the system behaviour on receipt of a Notify Event [NE] message (For more details, see Alert Monitor).
Option | Description |
Enable Reporting | No longer used. This will be removed at some point |
Force Campaign Shutdown on close | When a supervisor stops a campaign, Softdial Campaign Manager™ will normally wait until all calls have been completed and all agents logged out before closing the campaign |
Close After... | Sometimes an agent may leave their station without logging out. This setting dictates the maximum time in seconds (from pressing the Stop Campaign button) after which any remaining agent logins will be killed and the campaign shutdown in a controlled manner |
Warn Agents of Imminent Closure | If checked, a Campaign Shutting Down [CS] message will be sent to the agent layer advising the number of seconds to shutdown |
Station Nailup Timeout | The time to wait before removing an agent from the agent pool (i.e. killing the agent) after a nailed up station is dropped |
Attempt Reconnect on Dropped Nailed-Up Station | If checked, Softdial CallGem™ will attempt to reconnect a nailed-up station if it is dropped unexpectedly. Agents may sometimes 'hangup' their stations by accident e.g. during wrap. In this case, after wrap is completed and the call session is ended (with a Transaction Complete [TC]message), Softdial CallGem™ will attempt to reconnect the agent station. If nailup is unsuccessful, the agent will be 'killed' (removed from the agent pool). |
Record All Calls (Blanket Recording) | This global setting is normally overridden by tenant, campaign or agent settings. If checked, all calls for all agents on all tenants will be recorded. |
Record from Launch (capture call progress) |
This setting is normally only used for diagnostic purposes. If checked, all call recordings will commence as soon as the call is launched such that the recording will contain all telephony progress tones and other information which may be helpful in determining optimum AMD parameter settings or reasons for call failures. |