API Message Reference

NB - Number Back

Layer Agent
Direction From CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID AG
Message Purpose This message is sent to the Agent application in respect of telephone numbers for which no connection is made with an agent (unless the Return Option (RO) parameter is included in the Open Campaign [OC] message. In that case, the Agent application wants to receive Number Back [NB] messages for all calls, not just unsuccessful ones).
Example NB\TDTenant1\CNCustCare\TN01992783287\YS{...}\ASEx100\RE2\RA
Explanation There was no answer when the telephone number 01992783287 was dialed for the CustCare campaign. Application specific information "Ex100" that was tagged to the telephone number when it was first sent to CallGem by the agent application is also appended. RE2 denotes the no answer code.
Notes There is one instance when this message is not sent, namely when machine detection is done by an agent (and whether or not the Retry Advise (RA) parameter is turned on in the case of answering machines).

If CallGem is managing retries, then when numbers are returned to the agent application when a campaign is closed (or suspended if the Send Numbers Back (SB) parameter is used in the Suspend Campaign [SC] message), all numbers from the retry queues will have a Reason (RE) parameter included, specifying which retry queue they have come from.

As the AN parameter can only be sent for agents in preview mode, we have provided a second identifier, the AG parameter, which can be used for all agent-handled calls. It will usually carry the same value as the AN parameter and both can be used in conjunction if required.

Related Links: Number Back [NB] - CallGem to Campaign

The YS andYA parameters were added from V10.5.

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
AG AgentAlternativeIdentifier string false 1 80 Can be sent for any agent, including those in preview mode. Value usually the same as AN.
AN AgentIdentifier string false 1 80 Gets reflected in the Number Back [NB] message for all Make Call [MC] messages that have an associated AN parameter. This includes preview and agent-specific calls made in predictive or progressive mode.
AO AgentOutcome int false 0 9999 This parameter must always have a numeric value associated with it, with a range from 0 to 9999.

See Agent Outcomes for details of how to use this parameter.

AS ApplicationSpecificData string false 1 4000 Application Specific parameter
CN CampaignName string true 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
DD DontDial boolean false 0 0 From V10.6.408 - Don't dial parameter. No value required.

If present, it means that the agent chose not to dial the call.

If it is not present, it means that the agent chose to have the call dialed.

DN DialedNumber string false 0 80 From V10.6.408 - The Dialed Number parameter is an alternative for third-party integration where the session ID is not known. It has the effect of removing all calls from the campaign that match the telephone number supplied.
DT Data struct false 1 128000 This parameter may be used to pass data back to the agent application on completion of a call. Use only if the campaign was opened with the RO parameter and the Transaction Complete [TC] message had a DT parameter.
FC FollowUpCall boolean false 0 0 CallGem allows agent-directed ad-hoc calls to be placed when an agent is in one of the following states:
  • logged into an inbound or outbound ACD campaign
  • on wrap in an inbound or outbound campaign
  • logged into the system campaign
The FC parameter indicates in all cases that the call is an ad-hoc call and does not form part of the campaign (or its dialing stats).
GA GroupAddress string true 1 80 From V10.6.408 - Group address parameter
IB Inbound boolean false 0 0 From V10.6.408 - The IB parameter indicates that the call is inbound.
LI ListIdentifier string false 1 80 From 10.6.376 - The List identifier. The call may originate from one of a number of lists. The list identifier is used for reporting on Linked Campaigns.
MD MediaData string false 1 128000 From 10.7.324 - Media Data parameter; used to build up conversation history for a session
RA RetryAdvise boolean false 0 0 This parameter is sent when the user wants to be advised that a retry will be made by CallGem.
RE Reason int true 0 999 This code indicates the outcome of all calls whether successful or not.
0 Call not made. Reasons for this will include - end of shift, a request by the agent application to return the number in the Remove Number [RN] message, and value in Planned Time (PT) parameter (see Make Call [MC] message) has been exceeded whilst campaign suspended. This Outcome is generated by CallGem and must not be mapped from an Agent Outcome.
2No Answer
5Answering machine
6Call failure. e.g. on account of network load, phone offhook, dead line
7Abandoned call
8Call interrupted by telephony layer (e.g. switch). This Outcome is generated by CallGem and must not be mapped from an Agent Outcome.
9 The call was timed out and not made because the switch did not respond to a Call Initiate [CI] message. This Outcome is generated by CallGem and must not be mapped from an Agent Outcome.
10Connected: i.e. a call, of whatever type (live call, answering machine, etc), that was transferred to an agent
20Telephone number unobtainable
21Telephone number out of order
22Telephone number changed
23Incoming calls barred
24Call rejected - e.g. non standard device such as videophone, would not accept call
25Not in use - e.g. number has been disconnected
26Fast busy - e.g. unable to access the number through its local exchange because of network congestion
27Hi and dry - no information about why call did not get through, in the US especially associated with the absence of SIT tones.
31 Called party hang-up (available only when using switch-determined routing - see Switch-Determined Routing): the call has been connected, but the called party has hung up during the interval allowed before CallGem must abandon the call. This interval is specified in the Abandoned Call Delay (DE) parameter of the Overdial Tuning [OT] and Call Initiate [CI] messages.
32 Agent specified for agent specific call back is not logged in. This Outcome is generated by CallGem and must not be mapped from an Agent Outcome.
SI SessionIdentifier string false 1 120 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party.
Used to give each called party a unique key. If omitted, CallGem assumes this parameter to be the same as the TN parameter. See Session Identifiers
T1 CallRecordingTag1 string false 0 80 There are 6 parameter tags- T1 to T6.

The T(n) parameters represent tags that will be stored against any call recordings made for a call session. There are three points at which the user can specify tag data:

T2 CallRecordingTag2 string false 0 80 See Above
T3 CallRecordingTag3 string false 0 80 See Above
T4 CallRecordingTag4 string false 0 80 See Above
T5 CallRecordingTag5 string false 0 80 See Above
T6 CallRecordingTag6 string false 0 80 See Above
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TN TelephoneNumber string false 0 80 Either the TN or the SI parameter must be used to identify the called party. See Session Identifiers
X1 CallTime1 double false 1 50 The outbound call launch/inbound offer time. This parameter follows the OLEDateTime format.
X2 CallTime2 double false 1 50 The outbound call start alerting/ inbound answer time. This parameter follows the OLEDateTime format.
X3 CallTime3 double false 1 50 The outbound call result(conn/fail)/ inbound result (transfer/drop). This parameter follows the OLEDateTime format.
X4 CallTime4 double false 1 50 The trunk disconnect time. This parameter follows the OLEDateTime format.
YA AgentUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the agent identified in the AN parameter (if present).
YS SessionUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the call session identified in the SI parameter.


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