API Message Reference

MC - Make Call

Layer Campaign
Direction To CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID CA
Message Purpose This message is sent by the campaign layer to provide CallGem with a telephone number to dial or a record to process.
Example MC\CNCustCare\TN01992783287\AN2
Explanation CallGem preview calls the telephone number 01992783287 for the agent with identification number 2 on the CustCare campaign.
Notes For a general review of how CallGem manages the numbers passed to it, see the two topics starting Number Management.

The agent application may choose to tag application specific data to telephone numbers, using the AS parameter, when it passes them to CallGem in these messages. Subsequently when any messages containing the telephone number are passed back to the agent application, e.g. an Agent Connect [AC] message, this information will be tagged onto the message by CallGem. As an example of the use of this, it may enable the agent application to more easily then carry out a database search, using this information.

Timing and Priority of Calls

Numbers without a PT parameter are put into the predictive queue. Those numbers with a PT parameter are put into CallGem's timed queue, which also includes any retries being managed by CallGem, and those numbers with an AN parameter are put into the agent-specific preview queue. Dialing precedence is given to timed and preview numbers over the numbers in the predictive queue.

Duplicate Numbers

If CallGem receives a telephone number in a Make Call [MC] message which is a duplicate of one that it currently holds, or for which a call is in progress, it will reject it in an error message. The agent application must include a unique key in the TN parameter, to prevent duplicates. For example, both the following TN parameters would be acceptable to CallGem.



In this example, typically business to business calling, the agent application would associate the keys 001 and 002 with different individuals. Any non-numeric characters used to either attach a unique key, or used in the key itself ("/" in this case), must be recorded in the Special Telephone Characters (ST) parameter in the Open Campaign [OC] message.

Related Links: Make Call [MC] - Agent to CallGem

Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
AN AgentIdentifier string false 1 80 If the AN parameter is passed it indicates that a call is to be made for a specific agent.

If the call is an ACD type call (predictive, preview, progressive) the call will be made as an agent-specific call.

This means that at the call's due time (set by the PlannedTime (PT) parameter, or immediate if not passed) the agent will be withdrawn from the ACD pool and the call made on behalf of the agent. On call completion the agent will be returned to the ACD pool.

If used in conjunction with the FollowUpCall (FC) parameter the call is treated as a non ACD call. This might be sent for an agent who has not gone ACD available (ad-hoc call) or might be sent for an agent in a wrapping state, in which case the call is a follow-up call within the same main call session.

If the AN parameter is present, then the AbandonRetry (AR) parameter must not be used, or the message will be errored. An abandon retry will select the next available agent to be withdrawn from the ACD pool.

AR AbandonRetry boolean false 0 0 No Value Required.

If this parameter is present, CallGem will ensure that an agent is available to take the call. This parameter must be present when an abandoned retry is being managed by the agent application.

AS ApplicationSpecificData string false 1 4000 Application Specific parameter
CE CallExpiry string false 1 50 This is the time (in UTC) that the call must be expired if not dialed. Typical use of this parameter is for timezone management or sample management in market research.

If calls are not dialed by the expiry time CallGem returns the call undialed with Reason Code 0 (RE0 in Number Back message).

If the PT parameter is specified, any CE parameter is ignored.

This value must be specified as a floating-point number as per the Windows OLE Automation date format.

CL CallingLineIdentity string false 1 80 The CLI to be presented when this number is dialed. Any value passed here must be a valid address terminating to your equipment.
CN CampaignName string 1 80 Mandatory if the call is predictive.
CP CallPriority int false 0 2147483647 This parameter may have a value anywhere between 0 and 2147483647.
If this parameter is not present, the default is zero.
CR CallRecording boolean false 0 0 Enables call recording. By default CR is disabled.
DC DictionaryCheck string false 1 255 This parameter may be in numeric and/or alpha form and will be used to report results by time zones.
DO DetectionOption int false 0 5 This parameter gives the telephony layer a guide to the type of call progress dectection to be used for the call.
0Use native signaling system
1Use native signaling system and inband call progress tone (SIT, ring, busy, fast busy) detection.
2Use live speaker detection or AMD to classify the call as well as inband and native signaling.
3Use live speaker detection or AMD to classify the call as well as inband and native signalling and play message to Answering Machines
4Use live speaker detection or AMD to classify the call as well as inband and native signalling and connect the call if it is an answering machine. This option should only be used with outbound IVR campaigns.
5List Cleaning - drop the call as soon as either inband our out-of-band signaling is recieved.

Note: This message is a hint to the telephony layer. It is not mandatory for the telephony layer to support the various levels of call progress detection indicated.

DT Data struct false 1 128000 This parameter may be used to pass data to the agent application on connect to an agent.
FC FollowUpCall boolean false 0 0 CallGem allows agent-directed ad-hoc calls to be placed when an agent is in one of the following states:
  • logged into an inbound or outbound ACD campaign
  • on wrap in an inbound or outbound campaign
  • logged into the system campaign
The FC parameter indicates in all cases that the call is an ad-hoc call and does not form part of the campaign (or its dialing stats).
GA GroupAddress string false 1 80 Group address parameter.

If used as part of the Make Call Message for a this indicates a agent group to attempt to transfer a connected call to.

The Group address parameter may be used with all campaign types that support outbound skills-based routing.

GZ GeographicZone string false 1 80 This parameter may be in numeric and/or alpha form and will be used to report results by different localities, often within the same time zone. An example of such reporting might be, for a New York campaign, reporting by borough e.g. Queens, the Bronx or Brooklyn.
LI ListIdentifier string false 1 80 From V10.6.376 - The List identifier. The call may originate from one of a number of lists. The list identifier is used for reporting on Linked Campaigns.
P1 PreviewTimeout int false 0 999 Indicates a number of seconds that a previewing agent can stay previewing without being forced to launch the call. The agent can cancel this timer by sending the Begin Dial [BD] message at any time. The default value of 0 means there is no time limit.
P2 BreatherTimeout int false 0 999 Indicates a number of seconds that a preview agent gets as 'breathing space' before being presented the next preview call. The agent can cancel this timer by sending the Preview Now [PN] message. While the agent is in this state, the agent will be reported as in 'waiting' state in state viewer. The default value of 0 means the agent will spend no time in this state.
PM PlayMessage string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and may contain parameter data which is a symbolic name relating to the sound fragement. The symbolic name is validated against what is in the Name Space Editor in Name Spaces\_config\Sound Resources.
The parameter data may be omitted. In the case where the data is omitted the sound played will be the default 'call completion' sound referenced in the Name Space.
PT PlannedTime string false 1 50 This is the time that the agent application is asking CallGem to make the call. The time is treated as local to the Server where CallGem resides.

Format is hhmm, and all integers must be supplied, including leading as well as following zeroes. Any value between 0001 and 2359 is allowable.

Examples are 0900, 0910 and 1315.

Invalid cases corresponding to the first two of these are 900 and 091.

NOTE: as of SCC Version 10.2 this value can be specified as a floating-point number as per the Windows OLE Automation date format.

If the planned time is entered in this format the time should be specified in UTC time.

R1 RetryOutcome1 int false 0 999 The last Dialing Cycle Outcomes value when this call was dialed. If this parameter is omitted it is assumed that the call is a fresh dial.
R2 RetryOutcome2 int false 0 999 The second last Dialing Cycle Outcomes value when this respondent was dialed. Optional. May only be specified if R1 is specified.
R3 RetryOutcome3 int false 0 999 The third from last Dialing Cycle Outcomes (CA) value when this call was dialed. Optional. May only be specified if R2 is specified.
R4 RetryOutcome4 int false 0 999 The fourth from last Dialing Cycle Outcomes (CA) value when this call was dialed. Optional. May only be specified if R3 is specified.
R5 RetryOutcome5 int false 0 999 The fifth from last Dialing Cycle Outcomes (CA) value when this call was dialed. Optional. May only be specified if R4 is specified.
RI RingTimeout int false 12 600 Value range is from 15 to 22 seconds for predictive voice, up to 60 seconds for other voice campaign types and up to 600 seconds for other media types.

Use of this parameter will override the campaign-wide setting made in the Overdial Tuning [OT] message.

See Ring Timeout Management for detailed comments.

RT RecordType string false 1 80 The RT parameter is used to classify a record when using multiple lists as a data source for the campaign. For more information about the use of multiple lists, see Linked Campaigns
SI SessionIdentifier string false 1 120 Used to give each called party a unique key. If omitted, CallGem assumes this parameter to be the same as the TN parameter. See Session Identifiers.
SK Skillset string false 1 4000 The set of skills required by an agent to be able to handle this call for outbound predictive dialing pusposes. These take the form of a comma separated list of identifiers.
SP Speech string false 1 4000 From V10.6.162 - This parameter is alphanumeric. The SP parameter contains the text to be played to the customer through the TTS engine
T1 CallRecordingTag1 string false 0 80 There are 6 parameter tags- T1 to T6.

The T(n) parameters represent tags that will be stored against any call recordings made for a call session. There are three points at which the user can specify tag data:

T2 CallRecordingTag2 string false 0 80 As above
T3 CallRecordingTag3 string false 0 80 As above
T4 CallRecordingTag4 string false 0 80 As above
T5 CallRecordingTag5 string false 0 80 As above
T6 CallRecordingTag6 string false 0 80 As above
TD TenantDescriptor string false 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TK Token string false 1 80 Token parameter
TN TelephoneNumber string true 0 80 Can be 0 - 9, the '+' character or the 'space' character.

Any number containing non-numeric characters, other than those above and those in the Special Telephone Characters (ST) parameter in the Open Campaign [OC] message, will be returned to the agent application as an error.

TZ TimeZone string false 1 80 This parameter may be in numeric and/or alpha form and will be used to report results by time zones.
Z1 TimeStamp1 string true 1 50 The Z1 through Z5 parameters correspond to the R1 through R5 call outcome parameters and specifiy the (local) date and time when those outcomes were generated. This parameter follows the Windows OLE Automation date format.
Z2 TimeStamp2 string true 1 50 See Above
Z3 TimeStamp3 string true 1 50 See above
Z4 TimeStamp4 string true 1 50 See Above
Z5 TimeStamp5 string true 1 50 See Above


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