API Message Reference

VZ - Session Event Data

Layer Management
Direction From CallGem
Type of Service CG
Interface ID MA
Message Purpose This message is sent by CallGem in response to an Enumerate Session Events [EV] request.
Example VZ\TXABC001\TDProduction\CNMobiles\YC{...}\ANJoe\YA{...}\SI654321\YS{...}\DS1\OS0\TS42198.377102\T242198.376112
Explanation This message is produced as a result of the call session SI654321 changing state from 'Awaiting Launch' to 'Launched'

CallGem sends a Session Event Data [VZ] message for each call session event as specified in the Enumerate Session Events [EV] request. Each time a call session event is completed, it will send this message with the updated call session event information, and will continue to do so until an Enumerate End [EE] message is received.

The meaning of the Z0 - Z6 parameters vary according to the type of call session. See table below:

Call Type Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6
Predictive Agent Ready [AR] time Call Initiate [CI] time Delay Notification [DN] time Result Time (Line Connected [LC] or Call Failed [CF]) Agent Connect [AC] time Now Disconnected [ND] time Transaction Complete [TC] time
Preview Agent Start Breather
Ad-Hoc *N/A N/A
Inbound Queue Call Queued First Offer Successful Offer Agent Accept
Inbound ACD Agent Ready [AR] time Call Queued Last ReQueue Offer Time Agent Accept Transaction Complete [TC] time

*Inbound Queue is the basic activity of 'System campaign' calls. In this case agents never go to 'Agent Ready' state, that is why Z0 parameter is not applicable. 'Inbound ACD' refers to regular Inbound campaigns with queues.

Introduced V10.7.74
Code Name Type Mandatory? Min Val Max Val Description
A2 SecondAgent string false 1 80 The identifier for the second agent party associated with a media session (during transfer or conference). User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
AN AgentIdentifier string false 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
AO AgentOutcome int false 0 9999 The agent disposition associated with an agent-classified call.
CN CampaignName string true 1 80 User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;
CO Conversion string false 1 50 The CO parameter allows a numeric value, of up to six digits to be sent, indicating the scale of the conversion or commitment, e.g. CO20.99, meaning say a pledge of $20.99 The parameter may be positive or negative.
DN DialedNumber string false 0 80 From V10.7.751 - The Inbound DNIS or Outbound CLI associated with the media session.
DS DetailState int false 0 99

The DS parameter is presented in the VZ message whenever the Enumerate Session Events [EV] message is sent.

0 Awaiting Launch
1 Launched
2 Proceeding
3 Alerting
4 Connect Signalled
5 Enqueued
6 Expired
7 Agent Offering
8 Agent Connected
9 On Hold
10 Muted
11 Transfer Offering
12 Transfer Conferencing
13 Disconnect Requested
14 Disconnected
15 Disposed
999 Unknown
GA GroupAddress string true 1 80 From V10.7.751 - For an inbound session, the queue to which the session is currently assigned.
GB PreviousQueue string true 1 80 From V10.7.751 - For an inbound session, the queue to which the session was previously assigned.
IB Inbound boolean false 0 0 From V10.7.751 - The IB parameter indicates that the media session is inbound.
IC IdentifyCTI string false 1 80 From V10.7.186 - Indicates which media server is managing the session.
IR RawCause int false 0 999 The raw clearing cause associated with the call. Note the cause codes are dependent on the inderlying transport. ISDN causes will range from 0 to 127. SIP causes will range from 100 to 699.
LI ListIdentifier string false 1 80 The List identifier. The call may originate from one of a number of lists. The list identifier is used for reporting on Linked Campaigns.
MT MediaType string false 1 80 From V10.7.751 - The session Media Type (e.g. Voice, Chat, Email) for the media session being reported.
OC OutcomeCategory int false 1 16 From V10.7.86 - The internal category of outcome used by CallGem to apply fixed business rules. This code is fixed, unlike RE and AO which are user-configurable.
1Not Made
3Host Interrupt
6Live Call
7No Answer
8Fax or Modem
9Answer Machine
11Called Party (or customer) hangup
12Fast busy
13Planned time call not made
14Agent-detected answer machine
15Inbound call dropped by ACD
16Inbound call abandoned by caller
OS OldState int false 0 999 As for DS parameter
PJ ProjectName string false 1 80 From V10.7.751 - Project of which this campaign is a part.

The project parameter is strictly optional and is used to allow several CallGem campaigns to be considered as part of one larger logical campaign.

If specified on Open campaign, the PJ param will propagate to all session, agent and campaign-related reporting messages where the CN parameter is also set.

QI UserIdentifier   true 1 80 From V10.7.726 - User identifier. This ID may not clash with agent identifiers.

User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;

Q2 SecondUser   false 1 80 From V10.7.726 - User identifier for the agent identified by the A2 parameter. This ID may not clash with agent identifiers.

User defined parameter values may include any characters except / \ : * ? " < > | & % + ! ' ;

RE Reason int false 0 999 This code indicates the outcome of all calls whether successful or not. See Dialing Cycle Outcomes for more details.
0 Call not made. Reasons for this will include - end of shift, a request by the agent application to return the number in the Remove Number [RN] message, and value in Planned Time (PT) parameter (see Make Call [MC] message) has been exceeded whilst campaign suspended.
2No Answer
5Answering machine
6Call failure. e.g. on account of network load, phone offhook, dead line
7Abandoned call
8Call interrupted by telephony layer (e.g. switch)
9 The call was timed out and not made because the switch did not respond to a Call Initiate [CI] message
10Connected: i.e. a call, of whatever type (live call, answering machine, etc), that was transferred to an agent
11Inbound Drop - the ACD was unable to route an Inbound Call
12Inbound Abandon - The caller hung up while the call was still in queue
20Telephone number unobtainable
21Telephone number out of order
22Telephone number changed
23Incoming calls barred
24Call rejected - e.g. non standard device such as videophone, would not accept call
25Not in use - e.g. number has been disconnected
26Fast busy - e.g. unable to access the number through its local exchange because of network congestion
27Hi and dry - no information about why call did not get through, in the US especially associated with the absence of SIT tones.
31 Called party hang-up (available only when using switch-determined routing - see Switch-Determined Routing): the call has been connected, but the called party has hung up during the interval allowed before CallGem must abandon the call. This interval is specified in the Abandoned Call Delay (DE) parameter of the Overdial Tuning [OT] and Call Initiate [CI] messages.
32Agent specified for agent specific call back is not logged in
SI SessionIdentifier string true 1 120 The session identifier associated with the message.
SR SuccessRate int false 0 100 From V10.7.751 - Whether or not a live call results in any kind of financial commitment, users may wish to record a success rating for reporting purposes. An example of its use might be in market research, as a way of recording the success of an interview in terms of numbers of questions answered. Allowable values are any integer value between 0 and 100.
T2 LastStateChangeTimeStamp double true 1 50 The time of the last media session state change. Floating point number with the UTC time of the event, in OLE DateTime form.
T3 EnqueueTimeStamp double true 1 50 From V10.7.751 - The time the media session was enqueued. Floating point number with the UTC time of the event, in OLE DateTime form.
TD TenantDescriptor string true 1 80 This parameter is alphanumeric and identifies to which tenant this message applies.
TN TelephoneNumber string true 0 80 The customer telephone number or address associated with the media session.
TS StateChangeTimeStamp double true 1 50 The time of this media session state change. Floating point number with the UTC time of the event, in OLE DateTime form.
TX TransactionIdentifier string false 1 87 Used by CallGem to identify to which request this message is responding. Must be unique across all requests.
YA AgentUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the agent identified in the AN parameter.
YC CampaignUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the campaign identified in the CN parameter.
YL LastAgentUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the last agent if shown in the A2 parameter.
YS SessionUniqueId string false 1 80 Provides an internally generated unique session id for the call session identified in the SI parameter.
Z0 TimeStamp0 double true 1 50 From V10.7.751 - These parameters follow the Windows OLE Automation date format. Their meaning is dependent on the type of call session. Please see above table for more details.
Z1 TimeStamp1
Z2 TimeStamp2
Z3 TimeStamp3
Z4 TimeStamp4
Z5 TimeStamp5
Z6 TimeStamp6
Z7 TimeStamp7 double true 1 50 Contains the timestamp of the initial SIP or ISDN connect - Pending Route [PR] (time of physical connect - before AMD).

If call fails, set to Now Disconnected [ND] time.

Z8 TimeStamp8 double true 1 50 Contains the timestamp when the first agent who was connected to the call finishes with the call.

If Transfer:
    Transfer Acknowledge [TA] with RS0
else (incl. if transfer failed)
    Now Disconnected [ND] time

ZP StartPreviewTime double true 1 50 From V10.7.1386 - This is the time at which Preview started for applicable campaigns. Follows the Windows DATE format.


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