Softdial Campaign Manager

Toolbar Options

From V10.6.847 - the legacy Softdial Campaign ManagerWindows client is no longer available, via install or download.

The toolbar provides easy access to the most-used actions a user might wish to apply to a campaign. Depending on what is happening to a campaign, only a selection of all the actions is accessible at one time. The toolbar intelligently reflects this by disabling (greying out) those buttons whose actions cannot be currently performed.

The following actions are available from the Softdial Campaign Manager™ client window toolbar:

Button Action Available when campaign is...
New Create a new campaign N/A
Delete Delete a campaign. stopped
Edit Edit a campaign's settings. stopped
Rename button Rename a campaign stopped
Start Start the campaign. If it is properly configured, the campaign will be visible in the Agent Interface. stopped
Start linked If you use Linked Campaigns, start the currently-selected campaign and all campaigns linked to the same master campaign. suspended
stopped linked
Suspend Suspend (pause) the campaign. running
Reload Reload the campaign's contacts. This action is useful if changes have been made to the contact database of the campaign after the campaign has been started, and the changes need to be accounted for during the campaign (for example, extra contacts have been appended to or removed from the database, or contact data has been altered). running
Stop Stop the campaign. A campaign may be stopped and restarted with no loss of data or risk of redialing numbers already dialed, when the campaign is restarted it will simply pick up from where it left off in the contact database (To start a campaign again from scratch, reset tables and statistics to clear the results already recorded. See Reset below).

A campaign may not be able to stop immediately if some agents are on calls or some numbers are in the process of being dialed. In this case, the campaign will enter a state of stopping. The campaign will stop when the last agent has completed their call.

not stopped
Stop linked If you use Linked Campaigns, use to stop the currently-selected campaign and all campaigns linked to the same master campaign. not stopped
Kill Terminate the selected campaign with immediate effect. All agents are logged out, regardless of whether they are in a call or not, and the campaign is stopped. This should only be used in extreme circumstances. not stopped
Pre-process Pre-process the campaign by applying time zone data. If you are using time zones, you will need to pre-process the list before starting the campaign or time zone data will not be applied to the list. See Pre-Processing a Campaign stopped
Reset Reset either:
  • Campaign Database Tables - Clear the audit table and the database output fields. This resets the campaign's list as if it had never been dialed.
  • Campaign Statistics - Reset the statistics seen in the Softdial Campaign Manager™ list of campaigns.
Import Import a list of contacts. N/A
Export Export a list of contacts. N/A


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