Dialer Chat


In this tutorial session we will connect several instances of Dialer Chat to the Softdial CallGem™ service, create a simulated telephony service with trunks, create a predictive campaign and log on an agent via the simulated switch. We will then simulate the Campaign Interface sending numbers to Softdial CallGem™ for the predictive campaign and connecting the resultant calls to the agent. The agent will disposition the calls and you will see the mechanism for returning call outcomes and data to the Campaign Interface.

The tutorial is designed to provide a broad overview of the four main Softdial interfaces:

  1. Agent
  2. Campaign
  3. Telephony
  4. Management

and to demonstrate how these layers communicate with each other. In doing so you will learn how to analyse the Softdial CallGem™ message logs and error messages and interrogate Softdial CallGem™ to discover the status of the various resources:

You should also become familiar with navigating the API and other documentation that is available.

Each interface is accessed with a Dialer Chat instance. The procedure involves sending SDMP messages from each interface and observing how Softdial CallGem™ and the other interfaces respond. All messages to be entered can be copied directly from the text.

An abbreviated Message Log file from this exercise can be found at the end of this tutorial together with a link to the full original log file.

Follow the step by step procedure described below:


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